1st Journal 2nd Grow 23,600 Lumen CFL's **PICS**


Active Member
So,..... This is my second ever grow. My first was much much less light than this and the yield was about a quarter oz off of one plant, kinda pitiful but it was my first grow and it was smokeable, so i decided to give it another go.


These lights are custom made with p.v.c. I bought all of the materials at home depot. They're just simple light hangers and y splitters all wired together with old extension cord. I have 2 lights so i can keep different height plants. Each bulb is a 23watt CFL producing 1,475 lumens each. There are 16 bulbs in the cabinet, the cabinet is 8 square feet. (Pics 1 and 2)


I am using a desert mix soil mixed with a simple potting soil mixed with gravel. I am planning to use a high N miracle grow liquid nute for veg and miracle grow bloom booster for flower. This isn't certain, I am not too picky on the veg nutes because the veg cabinet is only for mothers, I have an identicle cabinet for flower. Any advice on flower nutes would be greatly appreciated, if you can just post your regimen (keep in mind its soil).

Ventilation: I have a holmes desk fan pointing out through a hole, on the opposite end i have a grate that lets air in and points it up (trying to suck hot air out from top) There is also a holmes desk fan blowing up to circulate air. I have no thermometer yet but will be getting one in a few days, the temps feel right and the plants are thriving in them but i think it wouldnt hurt to get a few degrees cooler if anyone has any cheap to free suggestions that would be greatly appreciated. Pics 3 and 4

Plants: As of now i have three plants in the mother/veg cab and none in the flower. I have to grow the moms first so i can start taking clones. So the three plants are Pineapple Thai (Picture 5 and 6), Sour desiel (Picture 7), and White widow (picture 8). I have the pineapple thai and the sour desiel lst'd but i left the white widow be because it's just so damn bushy. All three plants are fimmed. I would love to learn some about the bonsai technique that ive read a little about, people claim extreme clone results from a bonsai'd plant so its something i wanna learn. Help on that would also be greatly appreciated.

PICTURE 1:IMG_0207.jpg PICTURE 2:IMG_0206.jpg

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Sorry about the pictures being kinda screwed up.... i cant really figure out how to get it right but im sure you guys can visualize the cabinet...

So any advice with flower nutes and getting the cabinet down a couple degrees would be very appreciated. And how do you bonsai a mother, links to informative threads or a simple how to on that would be appreciated also.



Well-Known Member
good luck with yer grow ,i have a smaller simliar grow myself im too newbie to help u

are the stems of your plants purple?


Active Member
There is a little purple in the stems close to the bottom. I'm buying these clones from a local clinic as with my last grow and i noticed shortly after transplant the bottoms would turn purplish then it fades away in a week or so, im not sure if its stress or some sort of defienency but the plants are strong and green so i'm not too worried.


Active Member
The sour diesel is absolutely thriving, dark green waxy leaves. The white widow is a confusing little plant, all the new growth is lime green but it darkens with age i'm guessing that its just the strain characteristics so i didn't include any pics but ill keep an eye on it. Its the pineapple thai that i'm pretty worried about when i got it it was a yellow-green color which i thought nothing of but its gotten slightly yellower and this morning it looked downright thirsty so i watered (plain water) and ill wait. If anybody knows what i can do about this or what it possibly is than please help. Im not ph'ing my water, i didnt notice any ph problems on my last grow so i figure my water is good enough.



Active Member
Here's an update on all my plants:

White Widow- Looking good overall but new shoots are still lime green-ish. The newest leaf sets are also kinda v-shaped but I don't think its a problem (I tend to over think little things early on) Pics 1 and 2

Sour Diesel- Looking spectacular, taking very well to both l.s.t. and fimming. Pics 3 and 4

Pineapple Thai- She is looking better than yesterday, when I rub the leaves they feel healthy but their pretty yellowish. I'm exploring the possibility that its just some of the older fan leaves dying off but it seems to have improved since yesterday. Pics 5, 6, and 7



Active Member
When I left off on this journal I was getting bored with my grow, at the time I was just waiting for the mothers to veg enough for me to get some clones. Now I'm a little ahead of just cloning but my grow is now perpetual and I have some other little projects going on.

Veg Cabinet:

Pineapple Thai Mom (Pic 1): Early on this plant looked sickly but has since gotten stronger and has provided many clones for me to kill in my ongoing learning process.

Dream Star Mom (Pic 2): I could not for the life of me get this damn plant to grow in the beginning but has since become the easiest cloning and biggest mother in my cabinet.

White Widow Mom (Pic 3): This plant was an ultra bush for the longest time but the branches were all too short to clone. I even considered flowering it and not keeping it as a mother but it
got longer branches and now is back to its status as mother.

Sour Diesel Mom (Pic 4): Early on this was my best plant and has stayed good through out, difficult to clone but a beautiful plant nonetheless.

6 Mystery gram seedlings (pic 5): I got these seeds out of a mystery gram picked up at a local clinic.. Im just pretty much playing with them, I haven't quite decided what to do with them.
Pine Tree cutting which I am going to bonsai (pic 6): I have been wanting to try and bonsai a tree and coincidentally I scored a free pine tree cutting as part of some grow more trees thing going on at an Ikea.

Catnip (pic 6): Gotta grow the kitty some weed. The plant is flowering and boy does my cat love them fatty catnip flowers.

7 Clones (pic 7): 1 White Widow, 3 Dream Star, 3 Pineapple Thai

Random Male Reveg (pic 8): I picked this plant up in bad condition. Pretty far into flowering, I decided to reveg it and it is now vegging so when it gets a little bigger I might cross it with a female just to make some seeds for fun.

12 Site Bubble Cloner (pic 9 & 10) I built this with an airpump, airstone and rubbermaid tupperware. Works like a charm.

Flowering Cab:

All my flowering plants lined up neatly in a row (Pic 11): 3 are 13 days old and 3 are 6 days old. 2 Sour diesel, 1 Pineapple Thai and 3 Dream Star.

Ventilation (pic 12 & 13) Just a couple of $15.00 bath fans, does the job nicely, although the cabinet is a little warm, I can deal with it.

Fun Side Project:

Rubbermaid Tub (pics 14 & 15): This tub was born out of the remnants of my first grow. A total of 5 Cfls and an exaust fan in the lid of a rubbermaid tub. The bottom of the rubbermaid tub is an organic soil mix which I will be planting 20 L.A. Confidential seeds in. When they show sex I will cut the males out and the roots will rot and create more organic nutrient for the flowering cycle.

The last pic is just of all my nutrients and such. No photos of soil bags though, But I'm using Mg Moisture control

From now on I will be updating this grow daily, it is perpetual so the fun will never stop. Hopefully some of you fine people will get interested enough to stop by and give me some constructive critisism and imput.

Happy Growing! :leaf:


Active Member
I remember why I let this thread die in the first place. Its cause the grow journal section sucks. Nobody gives input or posts or anything.


Active Member
Today I transplanted my mother plants to new 2 gallon pots. They were all in different pots, the teracotta ones take up too much space and all I like uniformity so now they are all in matching 2 gallon pots.

I also went to meet the friend with 20 LA Confidential seeds, turns out it was 20 Cotton Candy seeds and only 4 appeared at all viable.

So with 4 seeds germinating what can I do with my rubbermaid box. I feel like I'm wasting growing resources.


Active Member
First off, I transplanted the mothers to brand new 2 gallon pots so now they are all neat and uniform. I took a pic of the rootball on one of the plants but they all looked roughly the same. How come they're all brown and thin and not fat and white and fuzzy like fresh roots.
The plants grow fine and all but the roots get all thin and brown and weird. If anybody knows what causes this or if its perfectly normal let me know please. (Pic 1/2/3)

I was supposed to be getting 20 seeds from a friend but only 4 were viable so I have those germinating.

In the tub that the 20 were supposed to go I now have 4 seedlings from a free gram I got from a local clinic and 2 clones that just came out of my bubbler today. The tub is an organic mix of Kelloggs Patio Plus and Miracle Grow Organic Choice Garden. The tub has 3 soft white 100w equivilent CFL's and 2 daylignt 40w equivilent CFL's. (Pic)

Picture 1: Root ball during transplanting
Picture 2: All 4 mothers happily sitting in there new pots.
Picture 3: All 4 mothers with their name tags showing.
Picture 4: Overhead view of the tub.
Picture 5: The inside lid of the tub showing the lightbulbs.
Pictures 6/7/8/9: Close ups of seedlings. (12/12 from seed)
Picture 10: Dreamstar clone out of bubbler into flowering today.
Picture 11: Pineapple Thai clone out of bubbler into flowering today.
Picture 12: The sun was behind these clouds the other day and it was super badass. Gotta love Southern California!!!



These are looking nice! what kind of advice can you give to a rookie? CFL closet grow with 2 plants..

i want a strong organic water soluble substance that will give my plants some early flower momentum.


Active Member
These are looking nice! what kind of advice can you give to a rookie? CFL closet grow with 2 plants..

i want a strong organic water soluble substance that will give my plants some early flower momentum.
I still consider myself a noob. As of now I'm just using plain water. The Mg Organic Choice and Kellogs patio plus have plenty of nutes for a while I'm sure. The patio plus has bat guano and worm castings and that sort of stuff in it , I read somewhere its similar to FF Happy frog.

I'm just learning as I go so when I get a little more into my organic tub ill start learning organic liquid nutes. Mollassas is one I am sure. Eggshells and epsom salt are the equivilent to cal-mag. Other than that im new to organics, I just happened to have some organic soil so figured that was a good starting point to learn.


I'm about to mix some molasses with a bottle of tap water to increase bud growth/strength. and put in my miracle gro soil.

This is my first indoor grow, and with the help of a timer my first flower.

i wish you luck for your growing for now and future.


Active Member
Veg Cabinet:

  • Mother plants were trimmed and tied down, they were just getting a little too wild (pic 1)
  • White widow clone is doing well... (Pic 2)
  • 2 more white widow clones which I planted into soil today (pic 3), one is not doing so well but will recover I am sure, I have no worries about it...
  • Here are the 2 remaining mystery gram seedlings in veg, the other 4 are in my organic tub 12/12 from seed (pic 4)
  • 4 dream star clones (pic 5)
  • 2 Pineapple thai clones (pic 6)
Flower Cabinet:

  • 3 dream star, day 23 of flower (pic 7)
  • 2 sour diesel and one pineapple thai, day 16 of flower (pic 8)
  • 1 dream star and 2 pineapple thai,day 4 of flower (pic 9)
12/12 from seed/clone Rubbermaid tub:

  • 4 mystery gram seedlings (pic 10-13)
  • Dream star (pic 14)
  • Pineapple Thai (pic 15)
Next update will include an outdoor potted pineapple thai clone that i put outdoors a few days ago... Im hoping the cold will give me some purple buds.... Just for fun.
