1st indoor grow journal. Comments and feedback please!


These plants have been growing for about a month and a half now. The ones in the smaller cups are clones awaiting transplant.

There are several difference strains here, lemon skunk, the purp (vancouver seedbank) and some unknown. Planning to move a couple outside to make more room. There in a closet roughly 2x6 however the plants occupy about 2x4. Ive got 22, natural daylight 6500k CFLS putting out 1600 lumens for a total of 35,200 lumens, another 1500 coming from from 2 24 inch aquarium tubes. So ive got 36,700 lumens in the closet and it totals up to 617 watts not including the fans. I could use more lumens per sq. foot but veg. growth has been good so far.

In one of the pictures you can see when I had them starting in a rubbermaid container I painted white for better reflection. The original idea was to start them inside and move them all outside but I decided to get a jungle going in my closet with half of them. The shitty looking plants in the small cups on the right inside the rubbermaid are my first attempt at clones, they worked out and you can see them in the last image to the left. I moved them from my custom made cloning kit to my rubbermaid starter after i observed roots.

Future plans are a better light holder with a reflector and add more lights. Sometime in the next couple weeks I going to have to come up with some kind of enclosure, intake, exhaust and carbon filter from home depot parts so I can flower without stinkin' the place up.

