1st Grow week 1 - 1-13-08


Active Member
My plants after 1st week of Veg. Skunk #1 The seeds spent an extra 5 days in rapid rooter due to unexpected visitor. Nice roots when I transplanted.

Did my 1st res change last night and moved to the Advanced Nutrients. Following their program. Hope the investment pays in yeild. If not it was an expensive lesson. Any ideas on modifying their Sensi 2 Veg program to maintain yeild but save money please let me know.

The only issues I've had is maintaining PH. Always adding PH down.

System 4x4 Ebb & Flow, 40 Gallon res, New Wave 48 light, air bubbler with 12" & 6" stone, RO with 55 Gallon res. Pots 1 Gal mesh bottom with Hydroton.

Any input is appreciated.:hump:



Well-Known Member
looking good, what lite's.
ive grown skunk#1 before and there a good easy sterdy plant to grow.
good old fav. i will grow this strain before, where did you get your seeds, and were they fem?.


Active Member
That's why I choose Skunk #1 to offset newbie mistakes.

40 plants all Skunk, germed 50, 7 never germed 3 more didn't make it.

The light is a Sun System New Wave 48 8 54W T5's. Also using

Bought them through Hemp Depot. Ordered Dec 10th in my hands Dec 23rd.
Not Fems hoping for 20 Females 2 which will become mothers. Looking to bloom 18 every month.

I've been reading about SOG green and I'm very interested.

Here's some photos of the running setup.



Active Member
I forgot that I did take some pictures on 1-6-08 when I planted the babies.

Now he a 1 week comparison.


Active Member
Quick update.

I dropped my lights to 3 - 4 inches above the plants and they are really taking off.

The only issue I'm having is keeping my PH balanced. I spoke to Roy at Advaced and he said to adjust my PH every day or day and half. I guess adding lots of PH down isn't good. I will adjust my PH only once a day and see what happens.:neutral:


Active Member
I forgot to add on my ealier thread. When I spoke to Roy at Advanced he informed me the there nutrient calculator was incorrect and I way over fed my plants. Luckily no major side effects maybe a little leaf burn.

If your using Advance Nutrients follow the cloning schedule for the 1st 2 weeks of Veg and then move to the veg schedule. This is for the Sensi 2 program.

What bums me is the money wasted over feeding expensive Advance Nutrients. Plants do look great and I will post a bunch of pictures on Sat or Sun.

Anyone who has experience with Advance Sensi 2 please posts any changes you would recommend.

Happy growing:hump:


Active Member
Well it's been a long week. It started with very fast growth everything was perfect. Then came the yellowing tips and leaves. The tips and edges of my leaves were also curling up. The problem was a magnesium deficiency I think caused by to many nutrients. The plants developed what Roy described at Advance Nutrients as Nut lock. Where the plants stop absorbing nutrients.

I did what was recommended and flushed the plants with 5.6 PH RO water for 2 feedings. They responded well initially I actually saw in a 5 minute period the green rushing back into the leaves of my most damaged plants. That was cool. After switching back to the nutrient res for feeding the plants seemed to regress. I probably should have left them on a fresh water flush for a few cycles.

I started referring to Indoor bible by Jorge Cervontes and noticed he recommended a simple treatment for Magnesium deficiency which is spraying the plants with a 2% epson salts solution. I looked on line to find out how to make a 2% solution. For those that are interested: .7 ounces per liter of water.

I sprayed the plants yesterday and they really do look better. I also drained 1/2 the water from my 40 gallon res and replaced it RO water to dilute my PPM. I wish I could tell you my PPM count but the meter I bought at the local hydro store was old, used and beat up, so I returned it. I ordered one through the internet "What a Deal" which arrived yesterday. I took my PPM last night which was 760 and that was after diluting my res by half. It a wonder my babies weren't damaged worse. The bigger plants displayed very little damage but the smaller ones were hit hard.

Tonight I will be cleaning the res and will take some new detailed pictures. I took a few photos to show the the Magnesium deficiency this morning which i'm attaching. All in all a very good week still a lot of growth with all the problems.



Active Member

I cleaned my res and stocked with new nuts.

RO water PH 6.61 - PPM 17 Temp 17.9C
Res with nutrients PH 6.13 - PPM 747 Temp 17.9C PH adjusted 5.62
Room Temperture ranges from 75 - 84 F
40 gallon res

Advance Nutrients
Sensi A 6oz
Sensi B 6oz
Mothers Tea Grow 7oz
Mothers Humic 3oz
Mothers Fulvic 3oz
B-52 15oz
Barricade .8oz
Sensizym 17oz
Vodoo 5oz
Piranha 1TBL
Tarrantula 1TBL

Well I have 4 or 5 plants that were significantly affected by my nutrient problem, but the rest of them are moving along nicely. The affected plants were the smaller/weaker plants. I attribute the problems from week 2 to putting more nutrients than needed into the res. I followed the calculator on Advances website only to learn when I had a problem that the 1st 2 weeks for the Sensi 2 Vegatative growth are incorrect. The 1st 2 wekks should be at 250 -300 PPM and not 800 PPM as stated on the calculator.

Here's some pictures from week 2's growth.:mrgreen:

I'm a perfectionist so I'm bummed about the nutrient damage to some of my plants, but the other plants really look nice.



Active Member
The plants really took off this week. I dealt with some nute issues earlier in the week. The plants grew about 4" this week and are very bushy now. I will be doing my res change today. I will post the detailed report after the res change.

I have to complete my Flower room in 2 weeks and could really use some advice. Here's a link to my post giving the details.

10-12 days to start build out. Help Please!

Here's some pictures and a drawing of the proposed room.

I'm also hoping to identify sex soon. I'm a newbie and have no experience with this. I've been reading a lot on the forums and JC's bible. When do you think I will be able to determine sex?


Active Member
I just did the week 3 res cleaning and new nutes. Here's a breakdown on what I added.

Res with nutrients PH 6.71 - PPM 1180 Temp 65.9 F PH adjusted 5.60
Room Temperture 77 F ranges from 75 - 84 F
40 gallon res

Advance Nutrients
Sensi A 8oz
Sensi B 8oz
Mothers Tea Grow 10oz
Mothers Humic 5oz
Mothers Fulvic 5oz
B-52 20oz
Barricade .8oz
Sensizym 45oz
Vodoo 7oz
Piranha 1TBL
Tarrantula 1TBL

The plants are really growing fast. There is a noticeable difference from this morning. There outgrowing the lights I'm currently using. The lights are currently 10" above the plants. Plant hights are average 8" and the tallest are almost 10".

When should I start taking a detailed look at my plants for sexing?

I'm assuming another 10 days to 2 weeks before I start to flower.

Here's some pics:



Cheese Head
dude that is just awesome great setup! I wish i had that much room! Are you stcking with T5's the whole grow? stop by my journal sometime.


Active Member
dude that is just awesome great setup! I wish i had that much room! Are you stcking with T5's the whole grow? stop by my journal sometime.
Hey funnyguy

Yeh it's nice when you have a little space to work with. I love my New Wave 48 T-5 light, as you can see my plants are thriving under them. I wish I had another one my plants would really be zooming. It's really a pain trying to rotate the plants under the lights I'm using. The plants are getting large and the roots comming through the bottom of the pot are massive.

I checked out your journal and your bitch is moving along nicely. Those buds are looking sweet. I bet you can't wait to test them.

I will be moving to flowering in 10 days to 2 weeks.

I attached a drawing I made of my plan. I started this weekend putting up the wall to close off the room.

The room is 10x10x8 there is a closet in the room and I removed the doors 5x2.5x8 area. The overall flower room size is 10x7x8 and my res's, controllers and ballast's will go in the closet.

Equipment is:

4x600 watt HPS lights with digital ballast.
The wall will be mylared
Krypto's ebb & floww bucket system.
It will be a staggared system with 15 plants flowering every month.
Can 100 carbon filter.

I haven't decided on CO2 yet. I want to use it, but I haven't figured out the filtering/venting side of the setup.

Good luck with your 1st grow I will follow along.



Cheese Head
Wow dude thats list of stuff is very impressive. Someday I will get into hydro but I figured I need to learn the basics of indoor first I have grew a decent amount of pot outside but the indoors is a completely different story and a lot more of a challenge.
I was thinking of trying some T-5's and im still thinking about it I have a 400watt MH I haven't used it yet I vegged my girl under some cfl's.

Guess we will just have to wait and see.

I will be here often good luck and stay safe.


Well-Known Member
I heard from an experienced grower that you can use a big jar with yeast, sugar and water in the room and it will let off co2 sounds about right, much cheaper aswell, hell.... you may even get a beer with your bud.


Active Member
Well were half way through the 3rd week of veg and it's mostly a problem free week with a lot of growth. The tallest plants are now 12+ inches and my 4x4 tray is packed with dense growth.

The only minor problem I noticed for the 1st time last night was the edges of some leaves, maybe 10% are turning up and in. Here's a picture of the worst one.

There's not many plants affected like this but if someone could explain what's causing it that would be great.

Some other info PH fluctuates between 5.6 and 6.2. res temp 64 F. room temp 69 - 75. PPM - 1075

Any ideas on what the problem is?

