1st Grow, water issues

So I'm brand new on my first plant I seem to be over or underwatering regularly. I seem to be having trouble deciding if it needs water or if it's water logged. Also I don't really know how much to water at one time the plant is on week 7 I have been watering when the leaves droop without nutrients up to this point. Her leaves sag regularly so I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Happyfrog soil, 6.2 water, 1-3days between water. Pictured in chronological order over 3 days.received_422052232196387.jpegIMG_20210302_154433748_HDR.jpgIMG_20210303_043508825_HDR.jpg
Lift your pot. If its still kinda heavy, don't water. If it's starting to feel light, water. Keep it simple. I can't really tell without knowing your watering routine and pot size, medium, but they look over watered to me.
Since you're in soil, my guess would be overwatering. Agree with above, lift your pots. Just to have an idea, my autos are in late flower right now, in 5gal pots. I water 5lts of water each pot every 5 days.
Also, in the last picture, your pot doesn't seem to have a tray underneath. That's not wise, it will be sucking up all the runoff.