1st Grow Started! 1x The #18 OG and 1x Holy Grail 69 521 total watts!


Active Member
Hello first lemme introduce myself I am a college student who moved from a MMJ state to a non for college and have a condition that causes me major pain so I decided to give growing a go! so all this is my first grow, I started germinating last night, woke up this morning seed hull cracked and I opted to put them in their new homes for the rest of their popping period. my plan is to veg first 5 weeks then Flower for 9. any insight is greatly appreciated!


Grow box: Uhaul GrandWardrobe
Soil: FoxFarm Ocean Forrest
Lights: Veg 6x 45watt 6500k Flower: 2x 68watt 2700k 4x23watt 2700k
Nutrients: GH Flora Series and Black Strap Molasses



Active Member
Right on dude! How you like the lights so far? I'm sub'd.
Sickk, thanks Silver
I like them alot man really good deal and Packaged Sooooo well and free shipping cant beat it!
if they don't sprout I'm gonna do big bang and Pineapple Chunk but they already cracked the hull and tap roots are coming out and its not even 24 hours!


Well-Known Member
Nice choice with growing as opposed to trying to score in the non state. Sounds great get some splitters for the cfls to hit the bud sites. I would use all the cfls when flowering. I know people always say what about the spectrum. well those are not kicking out that spectrum but coated to attempt that spectrum and it often is not smack on nor correct. those ladies will need all the light they can get. ive done tons of cfl side grows and have gotten the most bud with splitters and using all the cfls i have. good luck and i hope you keep us posted with pics on your results!! nice one


Active Member
Nice choice with growing as opposed to trying to score in the non state. Sounds great get some splitters for the cfls to hit the bud sites. I would use all the cfls when flowering. I know people always say what about the spectrum. well those are not kicking out that spectrum but coated to attempt that spectrum and it often is not smack on nor correct. those ladies will need all the light they can get. ive done tons of cfl side grows and have gotten the most bud with splitters and using all the cfls i have. good luck and i hope you keep us posted with pics on your results!! nice one
I have Y splitters Just gonna implement them when they are like 6" tall


Active Member
Update the holygrail seed will break ground tomorrow or the next but the OG 18 is being a bitch and taproot is showing but not nearly as developed
I spent 20$ per seed on the feminized so I hope its just a late bloomer it was small but if it doesn't want to pop I guess it will be holygrail and bigbang


Active Member
haha yea man....Way to go ghetto...Hope you turn that U-haul into Ur-haul :peace:
For the size you cant beat it. I might get another straight for Veg
It has good average temp and with the size and Mylar awesome reflection. 6x23 2700ks and 2 68 Watt 2700ks will do them justice .


Active Member
Right on dude! I know the feeling, I can't wait to start me next grow. Took an early clipping from my girl and did a quick dry to get an idea of how it is, didn't turn out too bad despite the mite issue. Try inspecting the underside of the leafs for mites every once in a while, those little fucking can ruin your shit. Next time that is going to be my main concern, hope you don't have to deal with them.


Active Member
Right on dude! I know the feeling, I can't wait to start me next grow. Took an early clipping from my girl and did a quick dry to get an idea of how it is, didn't turn out too bad despite the mite issue. Try inspecting the underside of the leafs for mites every once in a while, those little fucking can ruin your shit. Next time that is going to be my main concern, hope you don't have to deal with them.
My friend has been growing for years says clones are more likely to get mites than from seeds?
Where the fuck to they come fro almost any ways haha


Active Member
Where the fuck do they come from anyways? *
Stoned when you typed that? lol.

I've heard that they can "hitch hike" their way into your grow space on you. Also they can do the same if you have animals that spend some of their time outside. Some good practices are changing your clothes and washing your hands and arms before entering your grow space.


Active Member
Stoned when you typed that? lol.

I've heard that they can "hitch hike" their way into your grow space on you. Also they can do the same if you have animals that spend some of their time outside. Some good practices are changing your clothes and washing your hands and arms before entering your grow space.
I read this also, it was a good sticky
my OG18 popped but it looks weird any insight?
and my holygrail


Active Member
I don't have much experience with seedlings. Hopefully someone else can answer that question.
No problem man thanks tho Gonna post a thread about it in newb central haha

Im gonna try to see how big I can get the Og18 in a 32 oz cup before I transplant to something bigger But I got a 2 gallon pot for The HolyGrail 69