1st grow somebody please help

I don't know what I'm doing. My plants a 6 weeks old and look horrible. I'm using DWC. My res. Temp is 78, my room temp same. CFL lighting, technaflora starter kit, 20gal res. I have clear slime on roots and hygrozyme is not working. And I think I over pruned too. What should I do. Ph swings daily and my tallest plant is only 10".


Well-Known Member
read, read, read, read and read some more. one thing i see right away is res too hot. but go read


I'm not an expert, but my plants are 4 weeks old (pure indica's and my plants are way over 10 inches. What type of feeding schedule are you using, and what percent of the suggested nutrients are you giving them? What type of light are you using, how far are is the light above the plants? You have too many open factors for me to even take a stab at the issue since u didn't provide enough info, but just fill in the blanks and i am sure that i as well as others are sure to be able to answer your question. It's a great forum, but just update the info and let's see what we can do!


Well-Known Member
My suggestion would be to do some serious reading... DWC not the easiest thing to manage, especially for a beginner.

Anywho, to the question at hand.. your rez is too warm first off. You want to get it below 70 if ppossible. What are your PPM readings? You DO have a PPM reader right?