1st grow outdoors, is everything going okay?


Active Member
I will try to use extreme detail so you can see how the plants are coming along,

Strain - Cannot say exact name, a friend gave me the seeds that were in a good quality bag of marijuana. Im guessing its a mostly sativa strain, and so far the plants have grown extremely fast if that helps you at all.
Planted - About a month ago.
Height - All 3 are on average 6-8 Inches Tall
Looks - First two razor leaves the open up (razor as in the edged leaves) are now becoming branches (they have a small thin branch connecting them to the stem) More razor leaves have grown above that, and the first 3 side leaf grew out, and either another 3 sided leaf or a 5 sided leave is just beginning to grow.

How I started - All 3 planted in small pots in my window, after sprouting and growing some leaves I transplanted them into larger pots (about 2 gallons each). Now I have them growing outside except I brought them in last night because they had just been watered and it began to pour, like really heavy so I didn't want to risk it.

Issues so far - After the plants grew pretty tall in my window, they became lanky and fell over.. I think its because they were reaching out towards the light, So when I transfered into larger pots a few days ago I put small sticks in next to them and gently tied the plants to them so they can grow stronger stems. Is this a good Idea?

What Im hoping for - I only want the plants to be about 2-4 feet each for stealth reasons when I move the pots into the woods. But I also want a decent amount of bud as well as a good quality bud.

Concerns - Im afraid of issues like insects and animals getting at them when they are moved into the woods, any suggestions with that? as for a place, I'm still looking for one thats not too far away, gets a good amount of light, but also is away from were hunters and hikers or just little kids exploring like to go. But I really would just like advice on Insects and what to look for if things are gonna try and eat or damage them.

Anyways this is my first grow ever and any advice would be Appreciated, I'll upload a pic of one of the plants..



Active Member
i think you have a pretty bad idea going on. its mid june man why dont you put them outside right now. it doesnt get half the amount of sunlight in your window as it would outside. put that shit outside try to get a fence or any barrier to keep animals out and itll grow. trust me if you do that youll be satisfied. also youll probably want some insecticide or something for insects cuz they will get to your plants outside.:blsmoke: good luck