1st Grow- need help PLEASE!


So here's my set up- I have a 2x4x6' grow lab tent with a 4 bulb T-5 in there and a small ocillating fan.

I picked up my clones on Monday and transfered them yesterday into larger Grodan blocks, but I'm worried about some of them.

One it think is a total goner, it is drooping majorly and when I was breaking it off the original grodan block i accidentally pulled a leaf off and the roots grew sideways in the grodan so it didn't transfer well. I propped it up with popsicle stick- is there any hope for it at all what should I do to bring it back to life?

Some of the plants look amazing strong, tall and green with lots of leafs already. But some of the plants I picked up (in Oakland at Blue sky) had burn marks on the leafs and were yellowing. Did I get scammed? Is this a problem? How do I fix this?

Also because I transfered them to the grodan, it says don't water for 2-4 days. I have been misting them a few times a day- should I do this?

When should I transfer them to the eb and flow system?
What nuetrients should I start with?
Should I take the plastic wrap off the grodan?
Are there any other tips you can give me about the first few weeks of veg?

