1st grow, in veg for about 5-6 weeks, comments and opinions will help


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, this is my 1st grow and i would like some opinions on what you think or any comments. I will be putting my babies in flower in another month or so when i get enough money saved up for the light set up. right now as u can tell i got 2 smaller ones that i was able to get for free so i just through em in there. those 2 I'm not to worried about and they will just be flowering a little early. but the main 2 is what I'm focusing on.

I have a 4X4X7 grow tent, 4" incline fan, a T5 46, an oscillating fan, all my plants are in 5 gal buckets, the soil that there in are happy tree frog and light warrior, the nutes and additives are triflex base and grow, super-thrive, diamond nectar, subculture m( i recommend this stuff to everyone)!, and liquid fish.

Thanks everyone for taking your time to check my thread out



Everything looks real good. The two bigger plants look real healthy. I know u got the two small plants for free, but I try to have all my plants at the same height. I noticed that when I have 2 smaller plants in the middle like that the branches stretch out a little trying to reach the light.


Well-Known Member
thanx u 2 for replying so quick, the 2 smaller plants are under boxes to reach the lights better, and as far as what lights i will be getting are 600 watt hps sun system lamps, ballast and hood. the reason why im only getting a 600 watt and not a thousand is because my tent is in a walk-in closet and with only a T5 in there it just gets way to hot so fast. so with a thousand watter in there i can only imangine what will happen.


Active Member
get the 600. thats what i am using its perfect not to much light 90,000 lumens!! +thumbs up++ but you are gonna have to get a bigger fan 6'' at least a 400 cfm. but good luck++