1st grow. in cabinet. cfl's. any advice welcome


including some pics as attachments of my first grow. 2-3 weeks in using cfl's in a cabinet. bagseed but looks more toward the indica side of things from what i've read considering the wide leaves. using miracle grow potting soil and water for now. just purchased some fungicide to spray as i've seen small insects here and there. wondering if i should be feeding or if the potting soil is taking care of it. need to check ph. plant on right has out-performed from the beginning. i had thought i over watered the other 2 on the left and middle considering they were a little more droopy. but now i think i may have had the light too close. been following the 1-3 inch rule though. as you can see the bigger fan leaves are laying on the dirt with those two. bunch of new growth on the inside hiding. plants on the left look dwarfed for some reason compared to the healthier one. got 2 leaves with some yellowing on the tips that i'm concerned about. had 1 26 watt daylight cfl per plant and got adapters and added 1 2700k warm cfl to each light a couple of days ago. read 50/50 is better than 100% of one or the other. been hitting with light 24/0. may have nothing to worry about, but, because its my first grow, i thought i would post some pics and check things out with folks who know. thanks in advance for any criticism or information.



Well-Known Member
good job just make sure you have good temps in the room and dont burn the plants and you will be good, also put some lights to get to the sides of the plants


hey thanks. like i said, i'm such a noob i didn't know if i had any worries yet or not. temp is at 80 pretty much all the time. humidity is between 50 and 60. haven't figured out how to get lights on the sides yet. i like these bulbs and reflectors. need to pack the bowl and hit mcgyver mode i guess.


Well-Known Member
hey thanks. like i said, i'm such a noob i didn't know if i had any worries yet or not. temp is at 80 pretty much all the time. humidity is between 50 and 60. haven't figured out how to get lights on the sides yet. i like these bulbs and reflectors. need to pack the bowl and hit mcgyver mode i guess.
those spotlight shop lamps are perfect for this....take the parabolic reflector off of them and buy 3 "Y" sockets at HD or Lowes...they're like 2 bucks each if that...now you can double your output of lumens...your plants will love you:mrgreen:


great idea. i have one Y adapter in each of them now. i wonder if i should be using all 6500k though rather than the 6500/2700 mix i have now. plants seemed to grow faster when i had only 1 6500k in the reflector.


Active Member
I personally prefer to mix up the spectrum to maximize the growth of my plants. Some people say use 2:1 ratio or 3:1 depending on the cycle. If your in veg state do 3 blue to 1 orange or vice versa....BUT personally Ive seen more growth from doing a 1:1 ratio which is 1 blue to 1 orange or 1 day light to 1 soft white. Changing from 3:1 to 1:1 i saw about a 30-40% growth difference. Keep your lights tight on the plants and you'll be good to go. Make sure and keep in mind you will need more cfls then that as the plants grow taller.


I personally prefer to mix up the spectrum to maximize the growth of my plants. Some people say use 2:1 ratio or 3:1 depending on the cycle. If your in veg state do 3 blue to 1 orange or vice versa....BUT personally Ive seen more growth from doing a 1:1 ratio which is 1 blue to 1 orange or 1 day light to 1 soft white. Changing from 3:1 to 1:1 i saw about a 30-40% growth difference. Keep your lights tight on the plants and you'll be good to go. Make sure and keep in mind you will need more cfls then that as the plants grow taller.
sounds like i should stay on the 1:1 then. what's a good number of cfl's per plant for higher yield?