1st grow in a long time⁴


Hey guys ill be starting as soon as my seeds arrive from herbies in the upcoming week.
I have a 2 story detached garage that ill be placing a tent into. Ill give you guys the full run down of my setup i enjoy thoughts and feedback of any sort.
Tent is a 2ftx2ftx5.5ft dr60. I have a 4in 135cfm extraction fan connected to a carbon filter exhausting out of one of my eaves. 5 gallon lowes bucket wrapped in hvac tape with a sight tube. Ill be using a 6in net cup lit filled with growstones that were soaked in 5.5 ph water. Along with a 1.tin rockwool cube. My air pump is a ebay special 736gph pump with 2 airlines and 2 air stones. Light is a ebay special 600 watt 268 true watt blurple led. In the next couple days ill be finishing my insulation install on the ceilings. My nutes are gh maxi grow and maxi bloom along with calmag, hydroguard, and rapid start. I plan on usimg Ro water as my tap comes out to 235ppm. My seed is an autoflower northern light x big bud combo. Im very excited to start and ill be aiming for a solid 4ounces if not more from this 1 plant. Any help, suggestions, comments would be great



Finished up 60% of the attic insulstion ao shoild be pretty good cant wait for the seeds. I didnt have a cable for my grow light so i flush mounted it to the tent bars with a wire hanger. Planta might get a little stretchy but ill save room


Ok so update
Still waiting on seeds l, today i finished insulating the left side of the attic. Tent is up and running new 730gph pump is running. I tool my grow stones and put them underneath the netpot in 5.5ph water to soak all day. I meed a new set of hangers so i can move the light and i need to hopefully finish the other side of the attic. Its 50f outsidd and 60 in the sttic with the intake fan going
Snd about 67 in the tent with the light on so thats not bad.20200414_121707.jpg


Took 3 weeks, but its done wouldnlove any feedback. I know that my bubblebucket only will hold about 3.5gallons so i was thinking of puttinf another 5 gallon outside the tent with a on off valve that i can open up to fill the bucket and premix. I think itll work what you guys think. 20200419_152036.jpg20200419_134455.jpg20200419_134413.jpg20200419_134421.jpg20200419_152022.jpg20200419_152243.jpg20200419_134439.jpg


Ok seed is leaving new york customs hopefully monday. Everything ia ready to go i also upgraded my light to a hlg135.

So i was pretesting some measurements. I took maxi grow out.The figures i got and if they seem wrong let me know are:
1/4tsp Maxigrow =0.3 ec Which seems on week 2 what ill start dosing her with.

20200426_091306.jpg20200426_091318.jpg20200422_211805.jpg Im a little confused though with calmag....when your using ro should i be going full tilt from begining to end at 4ml per gallon (gh calmag) or do u guys cut it. Is there a certain EC i should keep it within.

Also if i want a plant to be an ec of 1.00 do i knclude supplements and calmag along with ny main nutrient or is 1.00 what i shoot for with maxigrow and the add everything else


Ok not sure whose watching but SEEDS ARRIVED TODAY. got 5 extreme impact heavyweight autos, 1 gorilla glue auto, 1 zkittles photo fem and a free delicious marmalate.

I took one heavyweight seed out. I took a set of paper towels folded them in half twice. Then took my tap water which is 0.4ec and phd it down to 6.0
Sprayed the papertowels until they were wet but not dripping. Sandwhiched her in the middle then placed inside a ziplock bag. That bag was then put on a paper plate and sealed ontop of my router.
Its 3:15pm i will check her tonorrow at 3 each day until she pops.

Once she pops i have a 1in rockwool cube that ill put her in that will be phd to 5.6 and then the cube will sit inside a tupperwear container under my grow light until she sprouts through.

I do need a better ph meter i have a 10 dollar yellow ebay special i keep adjusting just don't 20200428_151219.jpg15881018597708506137075223577936.jpgwant to spend 60 bucks


Well-Known Member
I hope you get that from some autos I only heard about one zip is the average yield off one. I like the buckets though a ex friend of mine used those type of buckets he did dwc did good in a 3x3 tent


1st hydro grow 3 years ago bu blegum auto i got 5 oz in a bubblebucket
I hope you get that from some autos I only heard about one zip is the average yield off one. I like the buckets though a ex friend of mine used those type of buckets he did dwc did good in a 3x3 tent


so going on day 3 the seed itself sinks in water but it doesnt look cracked open. its sitting on router in a bag sigh i hope it goes soon 20200501_122808.jpg20200501_122754.jpg


day 4 no cracking

everytime i open the ziplock i get a weird stinky feet smell, i replaced the paper towel (i thinknitbqas too wet i wrung it out and water came out.) so new paper. towel wrung it wrapped seed back up and placed in tupperwear over router ....if it doesnt pop tonorrow i may drop another seed


Well-Known Member
I just pop mine in water ... it’s the easiest thing to germinate,,. Some seeds just don’t pop.


wll still hasnt gone so i took my second seed which ha been in water for 10 hours and sank

i put it inbetwee. then wrung out papertowels and stacked styrafoam plates around it and placed it under my grow light. tent under light is 80f ill check her tonorrow if this one doesnt crack then im doing something wrong


this better work, soaked for 10 hours been inbetween 2 papertowels inside 2 paper plates, sealed in a ziplock for 11 hours opened it to respray she still hasnt even cracked open. shes placed ontop of the grow tent in 76 degree attic sigh wtf hurry up


ok checked her today after 2 days , and she sprouted a tail finally. so. my growstones have been soaked in 5.5ph solution, my rockwool cylinder also soaked in 5.5ph solution for an hour then i shook it for a second. placed her tail down inside put stones around her and placed her under the light. im going to top feed her tap water at 5.9ph once a day [about a shot glass worth 2oz] until i see roots out the bottom. hopefully by sunday. and then boom dwc will start20200504_121213.jpg20200504_121456.jpg20200504_122115.jpg20200504_121742.jpg20200504_122108.jpg


just in case anyone wants top see how i made my buckets
here are the parts:20200505_120403.jpg20200505_120104.jpg20200505_120102.jpg20200505_120113.jpg
cut a 1 1/4in hole for fitting
applied silicone on bushing then tightened
applied everything took some reflective insulation and sealed with reflective tape20200505_120533.jpg20200505_131733.jpg20200505_131739.jpg
the res the bucket and he control are all wrapped in this materi



checked rockwool today still damp i gave it a couple sprays from my bottle. when i get home from work at 5pm ill give her a dose of 2oz water.
i have a little over 3 gallons of rowater in her which just touches the bottom of the pot. rockwool is about halfway in the net pot. ph set to 5.7 and lights are on 24/7. i can see the shell pushing through the cube im hoping in the next ten hours she pushes through. taproot is still in rockwool cube and is about 1.5inches in length. i am doing my best to not drown her 20200506_082356.jpg20200506_082353.jpg


afternoon update
rockwool still damp gonna let her go 12 hours then rewater. seed still in shell but higher up
i did some reading and most people put nutes in their dwc so im going to add [per gallon] 1ml of rapid start, 1/8tsp maxigrow, 2ml of calmag

1/8tsp of maxigrow is 0.3ec by itself
2ml of calmag is 0.4ec by itself
1ml rapid start is negligible.
with ro water is that enough calmag and does 0.7ec total make sense or is that crazy


afternoon update
rockwool still damp gonna let her go 12 hours then rewater. seed still in shell but higher up
i did some reading and most people put nutes in their dwc so im going to add [per gallon] 1ml of rapid start, 1/8tsp maxigrow, 2ml of calmag

1/8tsp of maxigrow is 0.3ec by itself
2ml of calmag is 0.4ec by itself
1ml rapid start is negligible.
with ro water is that enough calmag and does 0.7ec total make sense or is that crazy20200506_175855.jpg


ok day 1 i guess she had a tiny film keeping her together that i gently pulled off. checked rockwool a full one weighed about 31 grams and when i weighed mine she was about 30 so i didnt water her she felt wet amd was still dark in color. next time i may get a bigger cube so i only have to water every couple days like a 3inch block or something. so tomorrow morning ill check again. root looks healthy thats about it for now 20200507_175045.jpg20200507_175054.jpg