1st Grow. im a no0b with a minor hobby


Active Member
Whatsup everyone... newbie grower here, i have a very mild setup just for fun, stumbled upon some seeds, and if i can yield anything over 20g's i'll be way happy....

Heres a little background:
Basically i got Papaya seeds from BDS, and germinated them using the paper towel methods from many sites, using some of my own intuition. Sorry i have no pictures of that, but i just used every guide out there possible, and adapted it to my way. Your big plate, 1 layer of long damp paper towel, seeds, then folded over the seeds, and then i put the paper towel into a tupperware that held water. Then covered the seeds/towel with a bowl
Bowel / \
Towel ---------------[ Tupperware of water]
Seeds o o o o
Towel -------
Plate =======

But thats the gist of it, haha... I germinated 5 seeds (of 10) and 5 of them broke free, and i planted all 5 of them in Jiffy Cubes with Sta-Green Potting Soil. pH level is around 6.5. I keep them watered once a day, feel the soil to make sure its damp, dry, then i re-spray with water and a small addition of plant flood (drops that dissolve in water) Schultz 10-15-10 plant food plus.

Its been about 3 days, i put the seeds in soil on July 11th. I plan to VEG until the plant reaches a good healthy 2-3ft (how long do u think that will take?) then flower it OUTSIDE.

I know im going to have to transplant them into bigger pots, and that grow area is good to start the veg status, but thats all i really need, once it surpases the box, they're going outside.

What do you guys think of this basic setup? it has 2 flouro (1 cool 1 warm) 7w@50w on the top. THen the bulbs are 15w@100w cfl's. I have another cfl to put more towards the center, so we'll see how that turns out.

I have an "i-fan" (those funny little ipod look alikes that are fans) blowing air, with two holes of ventilation.

Any comments would be appreciated, or any help guidance for this NOOB. HAHA...thanks so much for all your future help. I hope to be blazing by october!!!

