1st grow ever - bagseed, stealth, cfl/led


Active Member

Originally I was looking for some information on outdoor guerrilla farming and then I discovered the micro stealth cab and fell in love. I had no idea that I could grow weed in my apartment in such a small space without anyone knowing.

After spending hours in the forums learning from successful and not so successful grows I thought I would spend some time and build a journal to possibly help some else just starting out.

My Setup

I started out with a dell computer monitor box then I upgraded to a moving storage box and now I have a semi stealth custom box with with mother and flowering chambers.

Right now for lights I have a

  • 45w led (mostly red with a few blues)
  • 43w 2700 cfl
  • 2 15w 2700 cfl
  • 1 30w 2700 cfl
For air flow I have a total of 9 computer fans of various sizes and one walmart 4" deskfan.

Temps were a big issue and at first the temp was in the high 90s. With some extra intake holes and fan placement I have been able to get the temps down to 78-80 range. The price for cooler temps is no humidity or very little 10-20%. I have started using a wet sponge in a bucket near an air intake to get the humidity up to 35%. Leaves seem much healthier when the humidity id up a little and the nice thing is I can drop the humidity instantly when the buds are a little more developed and crowded (i hope)

Below are some pictures of my previous and existing setup.


JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
Looks good man for a stealthy grow, im subbed for sure. Im an old indoor guy who went outdoors about 8 years ago, but im thinkin about bringin it back in. I bounce around the world alot for my job. Im doing a balcony grow at the moment. Heres a few pics from 2 weeks ago. im at about 8 to 10 weeks vegg right now and im about to move them to there perm. home in the next 2 or 3 days. they will be monsters by late aug early sept. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Stay green.



Active Member
Wow thanks for the quick subscribe. Your plants look nice and healthy. after watching my plants grow for the first time (i'm on flowering day 20) I can really start to appreciate what an outdoor yield can be.

Day 6 of 12/12 and some ladies are starting to show. Unfortunately some males are starting to show as well :sad:

Below are some macro shots of boys and girls



Active Member
Here is a group shot of the ladies


There are 4 plants in here. 3 are on day 20 and the one in the front right is on day 9. Each plant has 4 branches 2 main and 2 secondary. I am hoping to get .5oz per plant.

Below are some picks of various buds. In spite of my best efforts to kill them with kindness they are coming along quite nicely, I think?



Active Member
Disaster, I killed my plants with super acidic water due to wrong ph measurements. I did manage to save 7 grams of premature bud and the rest is going into some butter. Things were looking so good. OH Well, I have learned a lot and now have a real ph meter and 3 out of 6 seeds sprouted already.


Active Member
do you remember what strain that was it looked pretty good.
No Sorry. I wish I knew because it is really good and seems to grow well in my small space. I got the stuff from someone I was talking to on the beach one day. Do u live in Canada?