1st grow day 10 pictures does anyone have any advice.


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Well-Known Member
Bl^%$y nice set up!...That one seedling with brown edges and drooping a little needs thinking about. I wouldn't like to guess...


Well-Known Member
Day 10..I'd say you're safe to go with 1/4 strength nutez :D They're gonna start getting hungry pretty quick from the looks of it. NICE setup btw! Anxious to watch yours take off ;) Sub'd


so do u think i should re-pot them now and if it says put 200ml per 100 litre of canna vega and u say 1/4 strength should i just put 50ml of nutez to my 100litre resovoir and how far away should i keep my 600watt hialide when i swap over.


Well-Known Member
dude i cannot stress to u the importance of stopping anylight from getting to the water, it will create a very bad algae once u started adding nutes. i use a trash bag it works great check my stared threads ive got lots of video


Well-Known Member
so do u think i should re-pot them now and if it says put 200ml per 100 litre of canna vega and u say 1/4 strength should i just put 50ml of nutez to my 100litre resovoir and how far away should i keep my 600watt hialide when i swap over.
Yep, that's 1/4 strength. I use Canna Vega as well. 1.12ec at full strength if I recall, but I regularly go higher than that. (I'd take more stock in what people say on here than the back of the bottle)
As for your light heat; hold your hand under your light, if it's uncomfortable for you then it will be for her.
Just had another look at your (rather nice) set up. You're using cool tubes right? Then heat should be no problem at all.