1st Grow - Blue Cheese, OGKush18, HGK, White Widow, Purple Haze, Thai Fantasy


Active Member

So there sit my 6 sacrificial lambs. Barney's Farm Blue Cheese, Reserva Privada OG Kush #18, DNA Holy Grail Kush, G13 Purple Haze, Dinafem White widow, and a Kannabia Automatica Thai Fantasy. All fems.

I know, I know, 6 strains, 5 photos and 1 auto, first grow = headaches, disaster and heartbreak. But I just couldn't help myself. I put 3 into Jiffy Pods, and then decided I just had to try a couple more strains. Plus, I wanted to compare germinating in the Jiffy Pods compared to doing a water soak in a glass then straight to dirt. So far, the jiffy pod method is kicking the water soak method's ass.

but let's go back to the beginning.

6 days ago I soaked 3 jiffy pods in tap water. I put a the Thai Fantasy, Blue Cheese, and White Widow about an inch in. WAY TOO DEEP - more on that in a bit. The next afternoon, I got greedy and decided I needed 3 more strains to try, so into individual glasses of water (to keep the strains identified) went the OGK18, HGK, and Purple Haze. The jiffy pods and the glasses were kept in a dark cabinet above my fridge. About 18 hours later the water beans went into dirt, and I put the jiffy pods into the dirt as well (about a day and half after beans first went into the pods).

For the babies I'm using a 50/50 mix of Fox Farms Light Warrior and Happy Frog Potting Soil. I put some perlite in there too to keep things loose. I'm trying to avoid the nute burn/over-watering problems that seem to come with newbie status. We'll see.

I'm using 1 gallon fabric pots from Casa DePOT to start, though the Thai Fantasy is going into a 3 gallon smart pot today that I intend to be it's final home. Newbie lesson #1 - don't plant a bean until you've done some homework. My first visit to the Autostrain forum was AFTER I put the bean into dirt. Dumb.

So far, 4 of the 6 girls are enjoying life. I have them under a 2 foot 4 bulb T5, hanging about 4 inches above the dirt line. 18 on, 6 off. Since the dirt is about an inch under the rim of the pot, this is about as close as I can get it. I plan to add some dirt to cover up some the the stretch seedling stems in a few days. Temps and humidity in the tent seem to be good, running from 66*-77*F and 40-60% RH. The humidity has been running more along 40-50% the last day or two as I've gotten my fans and venting dialed in a bit more.

Here are the girls:

Blue Cheese:
Day 1 of Sprout...........................................Day 3 of Sprout
BC 5-1.jpgBC 7-3.jpg

White Widow:
Day 1 of Sprout...........................................Day 3 of Sprout
WW 5-1.jpgWW 7-3.jpg

Thai Fantasy (auto):

Day 1 of Sprout...........................................Day 3 of Sprout
TF 5-1.jpgTF 7-3.jpg

OG Kush #18:

Day 1 of Sprout...........................................Day 3 of Sprout
OGK18 5-1.jpgOGK18 7-3.jpg

And now the two that I've probably killed through butchery

Holy Grail Kush:
Day 1 of Sprout...........................................Day 3 of Sprout
HGK 5-1.jpgHGK 7-3.jpg

Purple Haze:
Day 1 of Sprout...........................................Day 3 of Sprout
PH 5-1.jpgPH 7-3.jpg

Here's what I think happened to the Purple Haze and HGK - I fucked about with the soil trying to uncover the beans a bit, worried I put them in too deep. I know I knocked the Haze about, and had to put her back into the dirt. I didn't think I hit the HGK the same way, but she's clearly not doing much compared to the others, and hasn't shown any movement at all in the last 24 hours. Bad beans? Maybe. But newbie lesson #2 - DON'T FUCK ABOUT DIGGING FOR YOUR BEANS 48 HOURS IN.

I'll give the two sickly ones another day to show signs of life, otherwise I'll chuck em. 4 is probably a better fit for my 4'x2'x5' tent anyway.

As for watering, after the initial jiffy pod soak, and the wetting down of the soil when preparing it for the pots, today is the first watering the girls have gotten. I'd say they each got about half a cup of tap water that's stood out for a couple of days. The 4 girls have a nice vibrant green color, no droop, so I didn't want to overdo the water, but the soil as getting pretty dry. I watered the whole area of the pot, not just the part near the sprouts, in an effort to get the roots to search about and spread.

That's all for now. When lights come back on tonight I'll check out the HGK and Haze and hopesully have better news to report.

Cheers to everyone here who answered countless questions from me. It was a huge help in setting up my grow. Hopefully I apply the advice well and can provide a fun ride for anyone who cares to follow along. And sorry for the color in the pics, I'm trying to get my camera dialed in to fluorescent lighting. If anyone has some tips on DSLR setting to take good pics under tubes I'd much appreciate it.

These are the ladies on day 4 of sprout. The HGK and Purple Haze just refuse to die, though I wouldn't yet say they are "thriving."

Holy Grail Kush (day 4)

HGK 8-4.jpg

Purple Haze (day 4)
PH 8-4.jpg

Blue Cheese (day 4)
BC 8-4.jpg

OGK18 (day 4)
OGK18 8-4.jpg

Thai Fantasy Auto (day 4)
TF 8-4.jpg

White Widow (day 4)
WW 8-4.jpg

I put some additional Happy Frog / Light Warrior / Perlite mix into the pots to cover up some stretch. A light watering and everyone seems to be happy. I'll throw up some more pics tonight after lights on.
Nice dude. Things look to be going well! Sometimes the struggla seeds give the best smoke...... You can't judge a plant 72 hours deep!
Yeah man I'm like that too. I'm all "this one here will be the best ever...... look how it's leaves a re a little more leafy" nonsense really but all part of the fun of growing cannabis :p
8 days after sprout and things are looking ok. Watering about every other day with less than a cup of water. Temps go between 70-78F, humidity between 55-75%.

When do folks think is a good time to switch from the T5 to the MH? I was thinking one more week under the tubes, but am open to suggestion.

Happy to see the Purple Haze and Holy Grail Kush fighting for life. The PH s definitely a straggler so far, but showing positive signs every day.

Pics are of the girls at 5,7 and 8 days after sprout.

Blue Cheese
BC d5.jpgBC d7.jpgBC d8.jpg

Holy Grail Kush
HGK d5.jpgHGK d7.jpgHGK d8.jpg

OGK #18
OGK d5.jpgOGK d7.jpgOGK d8.jpg

Purple Haze
PH d5.jpgPH d7.jpgPH d8.jpg

Thai Fantasy (auto)
TF d5.jpgTF d7.jpgTF d8.jpg

White Widow
WW d5.jpgWW d7.jpgWW d8.jpg


  • TF d5x.jpg
    TF d5x.jpg
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Just did my morning check on the girls (lights run from 4pm-10am, 18/6) and they've had a nice light cycle with the leaf structure on the Thai auto, WW, and OGK really becoming distinct. So far the Blue Cheese looks like a squat girl, but 1 week in, I guess it's just way too early to really say.

I gave all the girls a good water. I've been paranoid about overwatering, but I notice a tiny bit of droop on most of the girls, so I gave a much better soak this morning. Since they're in fabric pots, and my soil mix seems to have very good porousness, I'm not TOO worried about drowning them, but hey, newb is as newb does, and I'd like to avoid killing these ladies by H2O.
I rigged up the hood and ballast for the 600W MH. I'm running it at 50% right now, since the girls are still young. All the ladies are doing well, though the Purple haze is still a laggard. The Thai Fantasy is taking off, with little leaves (I think) starting to form where the initial leaves meet the stem. Pic here:
TF D12 NEW.jpg

Everyone's got a nice healthy green color, so I'm real pleased with that. No nutes added, and I don't intend to for at least another week if the leaves allow it. Just ordered some Jack's Classic 20-20-20, and my plan is to use that as my only feed, beside what's in my soil.

If anyone has some advice on DSLR setting for takins photos under MH I'd sure appreciate it. I can't quite dial it in and am getting washed out colors in my shots.
Here's the new set-up:

D12 MH.jpg

Here are the girls at days 11 and 12 of veg:

Blue Cheese
BC D11.jpgBC D12.jpg

HGK D11.jpgHGK D12.jpg

OGK D11.jpgOGK D12.jpg

Purple Haze
PH D11.jpgPH D12.jpg

Thai Fantasy (auto)
TF D11 (1).jpgTF D12.jpg

White Widow
WW D11.jpgWW D12.jpg
One night under the MH and all the girls are thriving. Even the Purple Haze is showing some vigor, maybe she just didn't appreciate the T5? Its amazing how fast these little plants grow and change. I'm also starting to detect just a slight odor, so I'll need to sort out my carbon filter solution. The 6" I have is way too big for the tent, but I'm not sure the wife will let me plop down the cash for a 4". Just have to figure something out.
[[[EDIT]]] I realize I should have put this up top in the first post, but I do invite everyone to comment on the grow. I'm doing this journal as a record of my first grow, but also to get feedback and maybe even answer a question or two if there's anyone out there my minimal experience can help. Please, consider this journal an open house.[[[/EDIT]]]

Everyone is enjoying the switch to the 600W MH, although I'm only running it at 75% right now. I did 2 days at 50%, and will go to the full 100% in a couple of days. I figure nature eases these girls in to light intensity changes, so should I.

Here's the glam shots:

CNBIS 1 W3 D15 002.jpgCNBIS 1 W3 D15 003.jpgCNBIS 1 W3 D15 004.jpgCNBIS 1 W3 D15 005.jpgCNBIS 1 W3 D15 006.jpgCNBIS 1 W3 D15 007.jpgCNBIS 1 W3 D15 008.jpgCNBIS 1 W3 D15 009.jpgCNBIS 1 W3 D15 010.jpgCNBIS 1 W3 D15 011.jpg

For the first time I'm finding my camera's auto setting with the flash turned on to be taking the best photos. Still not thrilled with the color levels (my girls are a much deeper green, not nearly so yellow/Mountain Dewish), but this is the closest I've gotten so far.

A lot of roots are poking through the bottom of these 1 gallon fabric pots. I think transplanting to the 3 gallon ones is in the near future - as soon as they arrive! :mrgreen:


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Did my pre-sleep obsessive check and all the ladies are doing fine. 79*f, 70% RH in the tent, everyone is green and growing. Cant wait for my 3 gallons to arrive so I can upcan these girls. I know I shouldn't transplant an auto, but there's no way the Thai is going to do what she should in a 1 gallon pot. Rookie mistake, hopefully one I don't regret too much.
I just transplanted all the ladies into 3 gallon smart pots. Root masses were good on all of them, but the Blue Cheese I think is my best grower beneath the soil right now. I'm 4 days post topping the Thai Fantasy Auto, and 3 days past topping the Blue Cheese and White Widow. The Purple Haze seems to finally be waking up, and the Holy Grail Kush is one stretchy little fucker. Here are the girls:

Purple Haze
CNBIS 1 W3 D20 017.jpg

White Widow
CNBIS 1 W3 D20 018.jpg

CNBIS 1 W3 D20 019.jpg

Thai Fantasy Auto
CNBIS 1 W3 D20 020.jpgCNBIS 1 W3 D20 021.jpg

CNBIS 1 W3 D20 022.jpg

Blue Cheese
CNBIS 1 W3 D20 023.jpgCNBIS 1 W3 D20 024.jpg

2/3 Group Pose
CNBIS 1 W3 D20 025.jpg
All the girls are looking perky and happy after last night's transplant. After a watering, a light cyclt, and a wakeup the ladies are looking green and bushier. The OGK18 is responding really well to the topping from 5 days ago, with growth really picking up. The Blue Cheese and White Widow are responding well, just with more bushing than stretching. The Thai Fantasy auto is acting like I figured an auto would, fast growing, fast branching, lots of leaf growth. The Purple haze is finally looking like one of the gang, still small compared to the rest, but finally showing some vigor in her growth.

And the Holy Grail Kush? Well, we love the HGK, but damn if that isn't my fucktarded girl of the group. Stretchy, main stem growing at an angle, sparse leaf density compared to the rest. She'll probably smoke the rest of them away. :mrgreen:

Here's the graphics:

Purple Haze
CNBIS 1 W3 D21 001.jpg

White Widow
CNBIS 1 W3 D21 002.jpg

CNBIS 1 W3 D21 003.jpg

Thai Fantasy (auto)
CNBIS 1 W3 D21 004.jpg

OGK18 (showing the nice topping growth)
CNBIS 1 W3 D21 005.jpg
CNBIS 1 W3 D21 006.jpg

Blue Cheese
CNBIS 1 W3 D21 007.jpg
After 31 days of veg I'm worried I will run out of room when the plants go through their flower stretch, so last night I flipped to a 12-12 and put the HPS into the hood. The plan was to go 5 or 6 weeks veg, so I'm not too far off, and it's really the Thai Fantasy auto that's pushing the decision as she shoot up (so note to self - don't mix auto's and photos in a small space!!!).

Last night I also switched out the massive 6" carbon filter for a much more svelte 4" one. The 6 incher was taking up way too much head room in the 5 foot tent, so I'm glad I got that done before any stretch happens. Also sealed up a bunch of light leaks around the seams with some roofing goop. Stuff works like a charm, and with the tent in a closet I'm hoping light leakage is not an issue now.

Here's what the tent is looking like, prior to the HPS going in (damn that thing is YELLOW, gonna need to figure out a new way to pics now):

CNBIS 1 W5 D31 009.jpg

Everyone is happy an dhealthy for the most part. I got some copper spotting on the Holy Grail Kush a couple of days ago, so I gave her some CalMag at 200ppm (thinking the spotting is from Calcium deficiency) and it seems to have stopped the problem from progressing. I'll probably up everyone's CalMag to 400ppm per watering to compensate for my soft tap water.

Here's some individual shots:

Thai Fantasy Auto
CNBIS 1 W5 D31 001 - TFA.jpgCNBIS 1 W5 D31 016 - TFA.jpgCNBIS 1 W5 D31 041 - TFA.jpg

Blue Cheese
CNBIS 1 W5 D31 032 - BC.jpgCNBIS 1 W5 D31 040 - BC.jpg

Purple Haze
She's gone from sickly looking sprout to robust lady. I think she may, along with the Blue Cheese, be my favorite plant by looks. She just neeeds a bit longer to get going. Next time I may do a run with just 2 or 3 of the PH and give them the time to grow and get topped. Assuming the smoke is worth a shit, of course. :hump::hump::hump:

CNBIS 1 W5 D31 013 - PH.jpgCNBIS 1 W5 D31 043 - PH.jpg

Holy Grail Kush
CNBIS 1 W5 D31 024 - HGK.jpgCNBIS 1 W5 D31 042 - HGK.jpg

CNBIS 1 W5 D31 035 - OGK18.jpgCNBIS 1 W5 D31 038 - OGK18.jpgCNBIS 1 W5 D31 039 - OGK18.jpg

White Widow
CNBIS 1 W5 D31 026 - WW.jpgCNBIS 1 W5 D31 045 - WW.jpg
Been too long since I've thrown an update on here. I'm now 4 weeks into the flip, about 15 days into flowering. The girls were just way too crammed in my 4x2x5 tent, both in floor space and definitely in height. I'm sure it's been said by others, but to any newbs reading this - SUBTRACT AT LEAST 2 FEET FROM YOUR TENT HEIGHT TO GET YOUR WORKABLE PLANT HEIGHT. Pots take up vertical space from the bottom up, and light fixtures take up physical space plus the buffer you need between the light and the plant top. I badly burned a couple of the girls as they grew into my 600W HPS hood before I was able to rig up the new grow space.

I've removed the tent from the closet it was in, and put up panda film. Originally I had it held up, and the "door" connected with industrial strength velcro, but that proved to be a pain in the ass, so I bought some stick on zippers. Much better.

All the girls are putting up some nice flower sites and for a fucker like me who hasn't had smoke in over a year it's damn hard not to just eat those little puff balls right off the girls right now! But patience patience.

I'll post some pics when the site is back online.
View attachment 2845803

There's the new home for the ladies after they got rowdy and were evicted from their cramped tent. Burned a few upper leaves as I waited to get the closet set up, but now they have plenty of room to stretch out, even if I need to rotate them to get them all prime light exposure. Definitely too many plant for my grow configuration, but lesson learned.

The runts of my grow in the beginning, the seedlings I thought about trashing - the Purple Haze and the Holy Grail Kush - are doing very nicely now. Wishing I had topped the PH, she is packing on some nice nugs.

View attachment 2845805View attachment 2845806

I'll try and get some better pics tonight without the HPS on. The girls are all a nice dark green. Everyone's been on a Jack's Classic 20-20-20 diet and that shit works! $8 for nutes is my kind of grow budget!
Love the grow man. I could was thinking from the very beginning of reading it that the Thai was gonna get out of control. They all look awesome though and it's cool to see that even the haze is turning out great after the slow start. I have my seedlings started in a box right now and I'm really thinking about converting my closet instead.
Thanks bro. Yeah, the Thai has driven a lot of the decisions I've made on the grow. Certainly not "ideal" but it's actually worked out ok. The OGK18 is almost as tall, and she got light burned after hitting up against the HPS for a couple of day as I transitioned from the tent to the closet. A Tent is definitely an easier solution - it's sealed, easy access with zippers and whatnot - but after about 10 days I have the close dialed-in. Bought some adhesive back zippers and that's made a world of difference in making the closet almost as easy to get into as the tent was. I've also re-arranged my exhaust so I go carbon filter-->light-->inline fan and that has got the temps under control. An Ona block just past the inline fan has the odor down to zero.

The Thai, as crazy as she's been, is looking like a lovely plant. She started flowering right after I flipped to 12-12, so I can't really speak to her as an "auto" since she's really been treated like a photo, but the bud sites are forming really nicely, and ofr a plant with no training done on her, she is really robust.

Thanks for stopping in!