1st Grow - Advice on Setup - Lights etc

Hello everyone, turns out I already have an account on here 3 years old that I don't remember about... Don't mind the silly name, must have been high :cool:

Anyway after much speculation and umming-and-ah'ing it's time to get growing, I have seen a grow tent on ebay which looks to be cheap from a seller called kitbag shop, the dimensions which I have to work with are 50x50x100, that's the size of the tent. (i need to do some measuring but may be able to upgrade to 60x60x140

I'm under the impression that HPS is the way to go? It's not a case of money so if more expensive LEDs are the way to go then I'm all ears for any suggestions. I also assume it would be prudent to acquire a dual-spectrum bulb as from what I've been reading, it covers both the vegetative and flowering stages of the plant, would I also need a smaller light for side-lighting or does the yield of lower bud sites depend on how you angle the light and how close together plants are?

I was thinking of growing autos due to being a first-time grower. I'll use a light timer, 18/6 light cycle probably although you would think that 20/4 would yield higher as the plants receive more sunlight however some people online notice a difference and some don't; is it a matter of practice and what cycle works best under your particular conditions?

I have read to put autos in 3 gallon tubs as they don't have time to recover from the shock of being transplanted from a small pot to a larger one. I have read to add in perlite at the bottom of the tub for drainage and aeration, how much are we talking, 1/5 of the pot?

Next up is fans and vents, I need them to be quiet, if anyone has any particular product purchase suggestions which have been proven to be quiet (in your personal experience, for sale in the UK then please tell).

Do I have to have all fans running 24/7? I will use a carbon filter in conjunction with an extractor fan (if I'm right in saying that) then is it also a good idea to use ona gel in the grow area?

This is what I'm working with in terms of what size the fans can go up to: "cooltube air vents 200mm, extractor vents upto 200mm" quoted from the description of the grow tent (linked below). This is what I'm the least clued up on, I just don't want to waste my money I'd rather know what products are good from the people with experience.

I also don't know how many plants I can grow in that space so no idea what wattage light to use, I just want it to be sufficient, what size pots should I use if growing autos, what amount of plants can i fit in 50x50x100 and which light do I want to be using?

These are the two products I have thought about purchasing but as of yet have not.



As for the strain which I'm sure is the #1 question you all need to know before giving advice is: http://www.gorilla-cannabis-seeds.co.uk/visionseeds/autoflowering/northern-lights-auto.html

They come in packs of 3 so would I be able to fit 6 or should I stick with 3 plants? I've read northern lights are petite so I would rather have 6 smaller plants than 3 bigger ones, just for a bigger yield really. If it's a bad idea to choose northern lights auto as a first strain (or if the company in question is not reputable) then by all means advise me otherwise.

Thank you for your time if you genuinely read all of this.

Here's to a better future.

EDIT: I also realise now that 600w will be too hot for the space, also doubting i could grow more than a few plants in the small space, perhaps 400w will suffice.
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