1st Ever Grow. bubbleponic/whitewidowXbigbud


Hey every body finally givin another update. Tomorrow will be the 2 week mark..i would really like to get more comments on how i'm doing. i changed water today a day early...was more confident this time around and got it done alot quicker, i'd say 20 minutes...the roots are growing like crazy..specailly on that white widow big bud...the other 2 autos seem a little slow maybe? idk again this is my first time i know i have 2 autos and 1 photoperiod...witch won't be an issue as long as i keep the roots seperate...i've been making sure i keep everything clean..there was some build up from the nutes on the tubes and manifold but i washed everything off in hot water and cleaned a couple peices from the water pump, i also repositioned my 12 inch air stone. so as the other 2 plants can get some OXygen
...everything has been kept sterile. and the pictures below show the first pic=SNOWRYDER(AUTO) the 2nd is white widowXbig bud and 3rd but not least is BCN diesel(AUTO).. i don't have much more to say...questions comments...anything i can improve on ..please let me know


Hey i have some pics here of 2 weeks ago when i first started...i am part of another forum...but wanted to be part of roll it up as well..never hurts to get more input..



Thanks bullwinkle....i really need to find some more info on autos...and what kinda nutes they take as opposed to a photo period....if any one has suggestions. Please feel free to leave some love


Autos hate nutes early. Give them plain water for at least 2 weeks, and if they look good give them 1/4 of the grow formula after 2 weeks. When you change water next week id say 1/2 grow formula after 3 weeks. You could even wait until week 3 to give them a little grow formula to be safe. Its very easy to overfeed autos and if you do, you can stunt their growth which isn't much to start so they will be some runts. They will continue to take off through flowering and will fill out nice.

Hope I helped,

I noticed you have a SH bubbleponic. I have one as well and the one thing that screwed me is the airstone it comes with. Its not enough in opinion. My girls weren't looking good for a few days and I checked the roots, they were starting to rot. I talked to a buddy who recommended adding an airstone. I picked up one and an air pump for around 20-30ish. Since putting it in, I have seen a shit ton of new root growth that's all healthy. I wish I would have purchased an extra airstone from the start.


Hey your exelency...that sounds good...i'm gonna be posting more pics soon as well...these girls...i swear grow like an inch a day...i can literally see change every evening. keeep info coming...im sorry i don't have as much details on this page yet...as i had started on another forum...i try and keep my info coming...


Hey every one heres another update on the girls...not much has changed..just growin crazy long roots...the 2 autos are a little shorter and the roots aren't as long..the roots are all white and there is no spots or anything growing on the plants. they look so good. almost perfect except the on thing i noticed on all of them is that some of the fan blades curl up..not alot..just slightly...other than that. growth is good and i couldn't be happier...i might switch to R/O water with no nutes this week when i change the water....because i took the ph of my R/O water and it was an even 6.0...i was impressed...keep information coming please and anything i can do better. the first pic is the white widowXbig bud FEM...the 2nd is the auto FEM...SNOWRYDER...and the 3rd pic is the auto FEM...BCN Diesel...

