18/6 light schedule - Indoor lights on tent open? Is that ok?


Well-Known Member
So im switching to 18/6 for my reasons and I wanted to know if I can have my tent open and surrounding lights on but the grow light off? I don't see how it would cause an issue?

Im not trying to get full darkness for a 12/12 flowering, so can I run my tent open during vedge with 18/6?



Well-Known Member
yes. The short answer is unless u give them 12 house of darkness they most likely will not flower thus keep growing.
So if they have strong light for a full 18 hr cycle if the other 6 hrs are scattered light, dark, full light it will keep vegging. Some plants might not love it, but it won't be a big deal. It is when u give a plant LESS light then it is used to getting that u risk it going into flower, giving it some extra light in its dark phase sporatically shouldn't cause any major issues.