16% humidity?


Well-Known Member
what will happen to my plants at 16 percent, other than use up a shit load of water and nutrients? normal temps by the way 77-79 degrees. thanks


Active Member
I get down to 0% humidity some times, and quite frankly, I don't notice a bit of difference. Just keep everything normal for nutes and water. I water every three days or when the containers are very light. Plus, they'll tell you if they're thirsty.


Well-Known Member
they will need more frequent waterings, that is all.

50-60% humidity is not a problem, that is where you want it.


Well-Known Member
Also, they won't use any more nutes than they would at a higher humidity. Water...yes. Nutes....no.


Well-Known Member
Also, they won't use any more nutes than they would at a higher humidity. Water...yes. Nutes....no.
but im gonna stiil have to put the nutes in more often than if the humidity were at 40-50% because i will be watering and mixing twice as much to try and keep up. should i just 1/2 strength the nutes or feed em every other watering what do u think?


Well-Known Member
but im gonna stiil have to put the nutes in more often than if the humidity were at 40-50% because i will be watering and mixing twice as much to try and keep up. should i just 1/2 strength the nutes or feed em every other watering what do u think?
no, you won't put the nutes in more often. The water will evaporate and also be used faster by the plants. But the nutes won't be used any faster and they won't evaporate.


Leaves may become crispy as that's what happened to mine at low humidity especially if you have a fan running. I used a foliar spray to combat this problem and it worked pretty well.


Well-Known Member
but im gonna stiil have to put the nutes in more often than if the humidity were at 40-50% because i will be watering and mixing twice as much to try and keep up. should i just 1/2 strength the nutes or feed em every other watering what do u think?
I think your making the mistake i was making on my first 2 grows. You should switched from Fresh Water and Nuted Water every other watering