150w hps blueberry


Well-Known Member
Okay, So im going to start a grow journal.

As of today..........

So I started fresh without the basic knowledge or supplies. I ordered 10 blueberry seeds and got 5 super silver haze seeds as a gift with the order. The whole time i was waiting for them I was freaking out and wondering if i would get busted. They came in less then a week!!!!!! I have went thru 6 BB seeds and 1 SSH seed before getting these two BB seeds to sprout. Basically I think i boiled/burnt the others up. I have 2 BB and 4 SSH seeds left. :D My shortest plant was potted in soil on 12-8-08 and the tallest is 1 week older.
seeds = 50$

I started off with just one cfl and then moved up to two cfls. These CFLS are around 23W (actual) and they are of unknown light specturm.

I wanted this to be an all organic and natural grow and thought that i did not need to add nutes. My plants are sick and dieing and growing freaking muchroooms instead of weed. They never started growing muchrooms untill I made tea out of spare soil and water (50/50 ratio). There was not propler nutes in the soil i bought.
Soil= 10$

So I just ordered a 150W HPS system (84$), ten 1/2 gallon grow bags(4$), & a 3-pack of FoxFarm nutes (40$)...(Big Bloom, Grow Big, Tiger Bloom). I am waiting for it to get here. I am not sure what to do once all of this gets here. I would prefer to get rid of this soil.. but its very costly to get some mailed in.:weed:

EDIT: I am using some sort of attic insulation to reflect the light. This is NOT an IR Blocking Sheet

My Questions to you the valued viewer....

1. I would like to keep a mother plus i would like to grow several varieties and keep mothers from them. I know I need to keep them under 18/6 - 24/0 lighting .. but is this all there is to it? Do i feed them different nutes?

2. Do i need a pH tester.

3. Should I get an Infared gun which is only 50 bucks on amazon.com

4. Which size of bags should i get?

5. What would you differently if you took my setup today and only had a few hundred dollars to work with?


Well-Known Member
1. My recent grow room

2. My CFLS on my plants

3. The small plants root system

4. The big plants... MUSHROOOMSS????? Thats not a root system thats fucking mushrooms... should i eat them? lol
Why did you pull the plants out of their containers. Are you transplanting into larger pots?


Well-Known Member
I wanted to look at there root system. And also to see how many shrums were in there... i had seen one sticking out of the side of the container. But I do want to transplant them into the 1/2 gallon bags once they arrive.. but i would really prefer to get some new damn soil and throw this soil away.... or get some anti fungal spray


Well-Known Member
I wanted to look at there root system. And also to see how many shrums were in there...
You have to be patient with plants. You can't just go pulling the plant out when you're curious what the root system looks like. It stresses the plants and can send them into shock.

Don't pull them early. Don't add excessive nutes to try to make them grow faster. And don't rip your plants out because you are wondering how the roots are looking. lol

Patience is the biggest part of a good harvest.


Well-Known Member
I hear you shouldnt add nutes until you have at least 4 full fan leaves on the plant. Subscribed.


Well-Known Member
i had my plants in foxfarms soil and never added nutes untill i flowered. and they were happy as all hell and grew like a mofo


Well-Known Member
soil rules!!!! its ideal for roots and well........their naturally occuring medium. So glad to see another missourian on here north east south west or central Mo?


Well-Known Member
well people.. i havent goten my HPS light, Fox Farm nutes, or grow bags yet...

I did go to home depot and pick up a "100W Fluorex" (1000W Equivelant) light.. to find out that I think I might need to take it back because it needs a special setup to work.. It wont fit in my lighting.. and i gotta shuck out some more cash to get the right stuff...soo back to home depot i go.. but not untill i get some more advise from my brothers out there in RIU.. what do u think i should do with this light?

EDIT: I was going to hang it down in between my plants.. or off to the side...


Well-Known Member
Id go with the middle, and give the plants a little twist each day to even it out...

yah .. but im going to return this light shortly since i cant figure out wtf to do with it... and im going to get one of those vertical lights... not sure which one yet


Well-Known Member
still waiting for my 150W hps, 1/2 gallon grow bags, and nutes to get here.... plants are about dead.. both are white as ghost.. dieing slowely...

Even if i get my shipment tomorrow I dont know if my plants can survive. There about gone my friends

EDIT: The small one smells really good and sweet

The only thing that could get worse now is if they lived but ended up males