Active Member
If someone could hook me up with a list of things to get for a small outdoor grow that will cost me $150 before buying seeds that would be great.
Are you ever worried that when the farmers go to spray their fields it will kill you plants? Also, my opinion, 3x3 area cleared would be noticeable from most farm equipment. I would think if you have the option autos would blend in better with soy, peas, or flax (if they grow those in your area).outdoor grow?
you will want chicken poultry fencing and stakes $50
soil amendments. you can just feed jacks 20-20-20 every time you visit and the plants wont go digging up your plant.
also animals will want to dig up freshly tilled land so digging your holes a month or more in advance is advised.
stay away from blood, bone meal, and fish because animals will want to dig it up looking for food.
the more dense the vegetation around the plants the more likely you will get insect pests and humidity issues.
location is everything with outdoor growing and i cannot stress this enough. proximity to water and how well does it blend in. is in a patch of green at least? autoflowers in cornfields would blend perfectly but photoperiods stick out in the fall when the corn turns yellow.
there are a lot of choppers in some areas so be careful and don't understimate people. They will cover a lot of ground on their property during the season hunting or looking for berries and farming and tehre is a good chance they will find your plants unless the property is huge.
Minimize your risk.
go there once to amend the soil, once to plant, 4 times to water and feed plants, and once to harvest. go less if possible. don't ever leave ANYTHING behind. no need for ph down or meters.
plant april 20indoors. xplant outdoors once they are at least 6 inches tall. harvest no later than august 20 but more realistically harvest around august 1st or last week of july
I think i might try a few autos this year. i'll probably go in a cornfield and find a spot where the corn just didn't grow or maybe remove a small 3x3' area for each plant.