15 weeks old still preflowering ??


i planted my girl 15 weeks ago, plus 10 days germination and shes still preflowering and only stands about a foot off the ground. no veging time just straight outdoor from seed. i planted her about 2 months before winter so i wasnt expecting great yeild but it seems she hasnt grown one inch in 5 weeks. im confuzzled, please help me!!


Well-Known Member
Please post a pic or two and let us know the latitude where you're at. Something is not right! If the plant is almost 17 weeks from seed and still alive. It should be bigger than a foot tall. It sounds like it is just reaching maturity, hence the pre-flowers. But after 15 weeks of vegging, it should be very mature, shown pre-flowers long ago and be starting to flower now.

Good luck :peace:


here are some pics, even some of the bottom bud sites are still veging, and theyre getting about 10 and a half hour of light a day. and as u can see, tiny preflowers
photo 1.JPG photo 2.JPG photo 3.JPG photo 4.JPG


Well-Known Member
Looks like the deer are eating the tops off. Same thing happens to my bush beans in the garden. You my friend have a deer infestation. any tracks around?


ahahahah yeh son of a bitch ate my top cola ;( i made wire fence around her after so its all good


Well-Known Member
When growing outdoor you can't really determine how long it has been in flowering and how long it has to go it all depends on the light Iv had plants in flower and Iv changed the light my 30 minutes and it has gone back to veg growth