15 weeks flowering, she's getting there, I think!


I'm on my first grow, still! Well, the second half of my first grow. My Indica vs Sativa certainly had different ideas on timeline. The Indica plant was around 60 days flowering. This monster is already at ~105 days. She was really not showing a lot of tricombs but a few more recently. Glad I've been patient because her buds are finally starting to swell a bit more too. Sun leaves are about goners, she's had a rough life with a rookie (slacker) grower. I think my poor gal is about ready to go under the knife.

I dropped her down to 10 hours of light a few days ago. Hopefully that helps along the process.

I'm thinking a Thanksgiving weekend harvest, what do you think!???



Active Member
I would go spend a couple hundred and get an hid system. Don't think your lights are strong enough. Just a guess though. 15 weeks is a long time to still have healthy white hairs everywhere. good luck
Looking good. I would definitely invest in some hid's for the next grow. Or at least get the cfl's in the plant, if you know what i mean. It's a beast though, for sure. What are the specs on it?


Active Member
go another 2-3 weeks..great lookin sativa, what is she? haze? thai? mexi? come on now dont leave us hanging


Well-Known Member
Where did you get that bean? That's got to be pretty damn near pure sativa if it still has a few weeks to go and is at 15 weeks of flowering.


Well-Known Member
Nice plant for the lights you've had her under....hid/hps will help with firmer buds...altho ya buds are loose, there's a lot of'em...georgous plant....with that many whites, I'd let her go a bit longer....


Active Member
She's a beast but two things
1.Get that foil paper off the walls only causes hot spots,put. Poly or mylar
2. With a hid sytem I doubt she would go 15 weeks and styll have white hairs
Other than that lookin gud :)
Have a bless day


Active Member
paid 105 shipped for 400hps,from ebay, it would really speed things up at this rate you got at least 4 more weeks ahead of ya. a stativa is a sun soaker without enough light it can go on for what can seem like forever! seriously.

oh and yeah emergency blankets are made of mylar $3 bucks at stores and it'll cover alot.


Well-Known Member
I can agree that that is a super awesome looking plant...if you took that plant you have and cut off a branch, that is about how good my own sativa attempts have been...so kudos that is awesome. Could never get the nutes right, but again I say wow that is an awesome plant no matter how long it takes


Well-Known Member
id go 2-3 weeks u gotta lotta white hairs but the plant looks real good considering the lights u used


Scientia Cannabis
I'll repeat myself again, the colour of the pistils (what many new growers call hairs) do not determine maturity (when a plant should be harvested).

Some strains have receding pistils, swollen calyxes and milky trichomes while all their pistils are white.
The plant(s) maturity should always be based on ^ those three factors, never the colour of the pistils.

Congrats on a great grow, looks like you'll have a good harvest, I hope you have checked the trichomes though so you know when THC is fully realized and when you will get most out of your plants.
Proper drying & curing are essential for a great harvest. I'd suggest you read up on it, even if just to refresh your memory :joint:

Time is Now 4:20

Active Member
I, too, have been using pure CFL for my grow because I fear the aero police locating me with heat detection device. Is this not a concern for you all with HPS?


Well-Known Member
I, too, have been using pure CFL for my grow because I fear the aero police locating me with heat detection device. Is this not a concern for you all with HPS?
Doesnt it kind of depend on location and how big of a grow you got going on? I would think it would kinda difficult to prove that you had a closet grow because of a strange heat signature.


Thanks for the feedback!

She's either a G13+Haze or some random mixed fem seed. I had just sprouted two seed and then went traveling for a few weeks while someone looked after the seedlings and I'm not sure which survived (in addition to one had growing). :)

Definitely a Sativa... She's hard life, hard hard life. Was resting against the wall for a bit. Had to tie her up with string. I've learned a lot though...
She's this big with a ~1 Gallon pot (and spent her veg in a 1/2 gallon pot). Can't imagine if i had her in something where she could spread her roots and really grow.

I had only 2 400W CFLs for a while. This was at ~7 weeks flower...
IMG_4945.jpgWith the additional back panel and her feisty(yet stubby) indica sister not hogging the light, she's really grown up.
Not sure I'll go HID. Would have to work on some better ventilation.
I wish my next move could be the power of mother natures sunlight. Community medical cabbage patch? ;-)

Here are a few more pictures with the blinding lights off.
