14' Wide by 7' high by 10' deep...


Active Member
...If I stash 2 600 watt HPS in there, with a steady ambient room temp of 60F, will they need to be cooled? If not, I'd like them to throw off enough heat to keep the (hopefully) ladies happy if I can.



Harvey Holroyd


New Member
60*F is too cold. They'll need mid 70s at least, with a small drop at lights out. I recommend an electric oil-filled radiator w/ thermostat. You can get a decent one for $50 @ the hardware/home improvement store.


New Member
Have you already purchased the ballasts? You might wanna consider 1Ks for that much space. You'll still need a heater for lights out and if you run 2 x 600's you'd still most likely have to supplement heat even with the lights on.

I'd get 1Ks. ;-)