120W LED set up


Active Member
Hi all,

I recently decided to trust those who praise LED technology so I replaced my 600W HPS with 120W LED. The 2 Fast Bud ladies I'm growing at the moment are doing ok, but I was wondering if anyone can tell me how far I should keep the light from the plants. Because of the low heat produced by the light, I initially I thought that I should keep it as close as possible to the plants, but now I'm not so sure anymore. With growth, the new leaves started to twist a bit so I thought that maybe the light was too close, but I imagined that if I lift the light too high then the light intensity will decrease (although I'm thinking the twisting could be due mainly to lowish temperature in the room).
Does anyone use LEDs and have any idea/suggestion? Cheers bros


Active Member
Don't put the lights too close. They should be place at an optimum distance of 12"-18".

Also, I wanted to share this with you. It's a DIY 5-14 watt panel. Pretty ridiculous to look at. Just to look at, or recycle christmas lights in the off season.



Active Member
Don't put the lights too close. They should be place at an optimum distance of 12"-18".

Also, I wanted to share this with you. It's a DIY 5-14 watt panel. Pretty ridiculous to look at. Just to look at, or recycle christmas lights in the off season.

interesting... but what's it supposed to be doing? vegging? are they all white LEDs?


Well-Known Member
that 120w LED will not be able to replace a 600w HID, but it will probably do decently for veg

If you wanted to completely replace that 600w HPS you should go for at least a 300w LED (from a good company)


Active Member
Great advice Jdizzle22

I would not replace my HPS with that small of a LED. LED's are nice no doubt and i have a few but I run HPS aswell and the broad spectrum and power of a HPS takes many high power LEDs to replace it. For examples I have few Kessil H150 LEDS and if I used them alone I would need approx 12-16 of the LED units to replace my 2 600w HPS. granted the Kessil are not as powerful as some otherLED but even a large LED panels that coust 1k-2k each would take prolly 2-4 to replace my HPS.



Well-Known Member
Great advice Jdizzle22

I would not replace my HPS with that small of a LED. LED's are nice no doubt and i have a few but I run HPS aswell and the broad spectrum and power of a HPS takes many high power LEDs to replace it. For examples I have few Kessil H150 LEDS and if I used them alone I would need approx 12-16 of the LED units to replace my 2 600w HPS. granted the Kessil are not as powerful as some otherLED but even a large LED panels that coust 1k-2k each would take prolly 2-4 to replace my HPS.


Like I said an LED from a good company. LED lights can produce very specific wavelengths of light (a single wavelength as far as I know) where an HID just brute forces it across a large spectrum with a few nice peaks. Problem with HID those is 80% or more of that energy going into the bulb is wasted as heat, and useless light. The great thing about good LED lights is 95% of the energy put into one is turned into light that plants can actually use. I've seen a '300'w LED perform better than a 400w HID, it was a unit that cost $999 though. You could definitely replace your 600w HID with 2 of them (or 1 of a larger unit). I am personally going to make the switch to the '300' unit from www.growledhydro.com next year to replace my 400w HPS.

While their website is lacking, they are great in customer service and not bullshitting people about their products capabilities. They don't hand out a lot of of their specs because they are trying to keep them a trade secret as long as possible. They did all the testing on 1-3w lights (multiple 1w diodes in a 3 or an actual 3), 60-120 degree lenses (they went with 90), and all that jazz to figure out what actually works best (unlike a lot of LED companies that just throw a product out and claim it performs as well as an HID that uses 2-3 the wattage). I bet if you hit them up with some emails of questions you have you would be pretty happy with them. There are a lot of awesome grow journals using their lights over at 420magazine forums I believe it was.

So yeah it would cost you 1-2k to replace your 600w HID with good LED lights. Or if you can take the cut from a 600w HID down to a 400w HID you could settle for a single $999 light I bet