12 days in cloning yellow leaf all over please help


Active Member
A friend of mine who is growing White Widow, Give me 15 clone from the bottom of the plants before he switch them to flowering. I put them in the tray used for that, with the top clear part. There vents hole on the top but the guys at my local hydro store told me to leave the hole close for more humidity for the first 5 to 7 days.

The cutting where prepared with gel at the steam and the rockwell cubes where soaked water with a 5.8 PH for 24 hours. The cubes where drained after of all excess water, so the root won't roat.

I sprayed then every day with 5.8 PH water with no Nutrient. The guy at the store said it's better if I don't fertilize for the first 10 day since it can burn the plants.

I open the top part of the dome every day for new air to go in and I wipe the extra humidity of the clear dome.

After 10 day I give them water with a 5.8 PH again I soak the rockwell cubes for 5 min. and drained the extra water.

Im using 4 normal neon daylight.

Now my question I think I did everything right but here are some pic of the leaf I pick out because they where yellow. All of my plants are turning yellow and it's been 13 days and still no roots have came out, but the plants are steady and poting up and pretty stuck in the rockwell.

What do you think makes my leaf turn yellow don't forget there still clones I read all the other post on yellow leaf but they all talk about yellow leaf in Veg stage or Flower stage never for when you're cloning. Can someone help?




Active Member
24/7 is perfect. perhaps you should start using a coning solution like clonex. i do and have no problems.


Active Member
I switch the light to 18/6 today. I checked under the rockwell and there roots thats have come out in the last 2 days. I also give them some nutes today for the first time at 300ppm. I used tap water that I tested before and it read 78ppm so I had 100ppm of A + B Grow 100ppm of A + B Bloom and 100ppm of B1. All this is what the guy suscepted at my local Hydro store.

I will post some pics once they come back to normal.

Does anyone think I did the right thing or I shouldn't have give them nutes?