12/12 or not yet??


Well-Known Member
well i got a 1000 watt hps i dont rele kno how big they r going to be when they r done this is my first grow....


Well-Known Member
How much vertical space do you have? My plants about doubled in size when I went into flower. They grow like crazy for the first couple weeks after you switch to 12/12. You can flower whenever you want, just depends on how big you want them to get.


Well-Known Member
They will double or triple in size from being put into 12/12 cycle. I'd leave them a little longer unless time or space are constraints. The longer you leave them, the bigger they'll get, the more budding sites they'll possess and the more they'll yield. Happy growing.


Well-Known Member
They will double or triple in size from being put into 12/12 cycle. I'd leave them a little longer unless time or space are constraints. The longer you leave them, the bigger they'll get, the more budding sites they'll possess and the more they'll yield. Happy growing.
i agree



Well-Known Member
kk well the strain is white rhino... and i do have quite a bit of space i have a 8x8 room and its like 6 feet tall


Well-Known Member
kk well the strain is white rhino... and i do have quite a bit of space i have a 8x8 room and its like 6 feet tall

im growing this strain also,:mrgreen: i put her to flower between 10"/12"
there now at 2ft and still growing, and im only a week into flower, so id say they've got a good amount of time to strech still,:mrgreen: like someone earlier mentioned, it depends on the amount of light ur using and how big you want them
ive only ever grown using 400's and 600's
600's being my top choice, white rhino is very bushy when she gets going so what u loose in hight urll get in width,:eyesmoke: some of my smallest plants have produced more bud than other's twice there size
(nothing tried nothing gained)


Active Member
if they are above 12 inches you can pretty much flower them whenever you want man... just keep your yield in mind. ;)


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure that ur plant usually grows 2 to 3 times its size in 12/12 because it flowers for some up to 80 days..and most growers do it on a timely schedule letting there plants veg for little over a month..understanding that flowering is alot longer then veg there for grows more..


Well-Known Member
I used LST on a plant, I had to keep mine much shorter than yours though. It might not be a good idea to start that this late in veg though, the stalks become more woody the older they get. You could get some breakage, and that would suck. Maybe save it for the next round.