12/12 from seed until sex shows...then 18/6?


Well-Known Member
Hello RIU.

I've been talking to some local growers that told me about this strategy.

They put the seeds under 12/12 light schedule until the plants show sex around day 21/28.

They also told me that i can put them into a vegetative photoperiod as soon as they show sex and they will veg as normal.

But thats the tricky part: i should be quick identifying sex and put them under 18/6. If i takes me too long, plant will reveg.
For instance: ir the plant show sex at day 21 and you want it to veg, i can't wait until day 28 to do it. In that case they told me that plant will most likely reveg.

Has anyone of you tried something similar?
Yeah, I did this for a while and had mixed results. The toughest part was growing multiple strains that would show sex and drastically different times, as much as a week apart. So I'd have some girls I wanted to start vegging again but the tent would be tied up waiting for others to show sex.

Also, as mentioned it drastically slows growth. Personally I've just started using sex test kits. They're like $10/plant. For me it's worth it but if you don't want to spend the money, taking cuts and sticking them under 12/12 lighting is a good option as mentioned (though it does require you to have two tents). Every method has its ups and downs honestly
Yup, feminized seeds or clones. I haven't had this issue since back in the day when we used bag seed from brown Mexican weed.
Thanks for all the answers. I also use fem seeds, but i do enjoy growing some regular ones and wanted to know your experiences and opinions on the 12-12 then 18-6 thing.

I will just grow them on a normal veg photo period and wait, also do the cuttings thing.
Yeah, I mean, the fem seeds or clones idea is obviously the easiest when you have space and time constraints but it also limits your selection quite a bit