12/12 from seed Input invited


Well-Known Member
Ok here we go //

So the new thing is 12/12 from seed . If everyone says it is the new way to grow. Show me Pics I don`t need bullshit. Pics are the deal/.

So if you are growing at 12/ 12 from seed and swear by it show it here

I am tired of post of how good it is and no one show`s an entire grow...

I say Bullshit.. Show it here and prove that 12/12 from seed can produce..
All we are asking is the proof is in the pudding ..

And name the strain you are growing and if you are in hydro / soil-less/or in soil say it here and prove us wrong ???

Is 12/12 from seed better or is a veg state of 3 to 4 weeks.... then go to 12/ 12 have not seen proof of 12/ 12 from seed doing better than an auto flowering...Or any other say they can........ but no complete grows on it >>>

So where is this proof and pics on an entire grow on here at 12/ 12 from seed ///

Well you guys are the ones to prove us wrong correct???? Is 12/ 12 from seed better than vegging 3 to 4 weeks better and faster than a regular grow at 4 weeks veg and the rest flowering so post away and say its it a fact or fiction ... You are the ones to tell us ...Thanks:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
first you have to understand that it realy doesn't matter how many HOURS of light the plant gets when grown from seed as long as its more than 12.... its about the quality of the light and the quality of care given to the plant..........

if i feed some WW or G-13 haze, or my NYCD some miracle grow and grow it 12/12 from seed under 100 watts total its going to be crap, but feed the same plants hydro nutrients made for marijuana and place them under a 1000 watt HID and everything changes.........

personaly i say screw 12/12 from seed. make yourself a couple good mother plants and clone from them if you want a faster growing method..... and yes its proven a sea-of-green is faster by weight because of harvesting many small plants every week to 2 weeks...........

12/12 speeds up your grow. but drastically reduces yield. the end
yes but people will argue that they can grow MORE plants under 12/12 getting the same yeild...... without recognizing the fact that it takes close to a month for seeds to properly turn into little plants........ in the end they do get less than cloners.....


New Member
there are alot of 12/12 from seed grow journals on here look there for the proof pictures say it all