12/12 from bag(seed)

16 seeds how many will be female?

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Well-Known Member
Just started 12/12 from seed day ONE,5 of 16 popped today.no pics right now but,i will update every 2-7 days with pics. im using 400w mh/hps,miracle grow potting mix and mg bloom for flowering.im gonna use mh until preflowering then switch to hps. im using 10 18oz party cups,2 4' pots and, 4 1 gal grow bags.i would have used bigger pots but i got limited space only 3 wide 2.5 deep and 8 feet high (1 side of my closet).This is my second indoor grow ,my 1st one wasn't so good with cfl's and not enough:sad: with only 1 plant.


Well-Known Member

2 came up as runts and dying,5 are looking healthy and happy,i pulled up most of the other seeds and then resoaked them and 4a couple more are some where hiddin in a bucket of dirt.


Well-Known Member
Smallest 1

5 sprouts One week in 12/12 from seed.
8 more germinating.

More and better pics on the way.My camera battery died lol


Well-Known Member
All the plants are looking good except 1 which has nute burn,almost 3 weeks old pics coming soon!!!!! also got 4 new og clones(unrooted) and gonna get 6 more soon.


Active Member
Looks good just remember the marijuana root system does not like light . Try transplant them into little black or dark green pots or if not even party cups like that red one will do .


Well-Known Member
Looks good just remember the marijuana root system does not like light . Try transplant them into little black or dark green pots or if not even party cups like that red one will do .
I Transplanted into 2 liter soda bottles,all my plants got scorched last night but only 1 severe and has been trimmed.also i germed too many seeds about 34 ,4 popped and i now have 13 OG clones (still unrooted) that i don't even have space for.so some bagseed plants gotta go.Pics coming soon they are much bigger now.


Well-Known Member
Heat is starting to be come a big issue so my girls are looking kinda bad,i didn't get up early enough to take pics Sigh! i just switched the mh to hps,i have 15 clones now tho and 1 grew Mold and another 1 is looking like its going to die,they are still unrooted but hopefully they will root soon.i let 24 of the seedlings die because imma need room for the Og clones when they do root,still got 2 seedlings left and one i mistakingly gave flower nutes @ 1/4 (1/16 ts to gal) strength and it grew faster and bigger than all of my plants at that stage.Pics are coming tonight for sure.


Well-Known Member

The best i can do right now as far as pics go,im kinda too stoned to be taking model shots lol
but anyway 5 plants not sexed but most likely gonna be females (too much branching) idk if the light burns are visable or not.
they are taller than they look,they are tied down.The first pic is 7 clones (still unrooted) (under 13w cfl) that dont look like they dying i cut from a preflowering OG Kush plant.
pic 3 and 4 is of 1 plant that got torched from the mh (had to trim ALOT),heat was a big issue using the mh,if you look at the last pic you will understand why (the closet)
otherwise they look pretty healthy. All plants are 22 days old and this is the first night using the HPS.


Well-Known Member
oh i forgot to add the other 8 clones are in the closet on a middle shelf,1 looks like it may live another 1 had mold on it and the other 6 dont look like they have a future but ill see how that turns out.


Well-Known Member
The end result of 16 seeds; 7 popped the rest either died overnight or didn't pop,5 survived and 1 ended up male so the end result 4 females.


Well-Known Member
2 of the 4 ended up herming,lst'ng the two plants,i cut four clones from 1 and i have 6 slightly rooted OG clones


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow 12/12 from Seed guy!!!! Looking really nice:)
GO get some Fox farms soil for when you transplant it makes SUCH better meds:) its only 14-15 bux a bag too!


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow 12/12 from Seed guy!!!! Looking really nice:)
GO get some Fox farms soil for when you transplant it makes SUCH better meds:) its only 14-15 bux a bag too!
They don't sell FF in my area no more only the nutes.If they did i would have never chose MG,but i will look into ordering some.
The MG does ok tho ill post some pics tonight of the 2 girls.


Well-Known Member
Heading into 4 weeks 12/12 from seed 2 plants left but........ last night i moved the light closer and they looked fine and healthy so i closed the closet.And today i opened the closet and OMFG burn!!! :wall: i guess the last few hours it got too hot,so i just took 6 cuttings from the other plant that had like 10 branches it sucks tho cuz i was lst'ing and all of the branches were growing upwards.SO now i got 2 plants and 15 clones.cfl's never did this to me lol


Well-Known Member

The first 5 pics are of mother 1 slightly burned last night,the next 4 pics are of mother 2 that got burned last night,the 2 after that are of a 3-4 day old seedling that got huge after i gave it bloom nutes by mistake,its bigger than my other seedlings at 1 week,the 3 pics after that are of 4 OG clone and 4 clones from mother 1,and the last pic is the 6 clones i just cut from mother 2 sitting on a book on my uverse box.I take closer pics of the clones in a couple days,also the OG clones are spitting out new pistils so im thinking they are rooted?

Another Og clone bites the dust so 4 left.The clones have sandwich bags as domes.And don't mind the feet in the one pic even if you see the lamisil monster lol


Well-Known Member
Mother 1 has started to flower,mother 2 should start either tonight or tomorrow.I put a clone from mother 1 under the hps last night and it was not a good idea it drooped so i took it back with the rest of the clones with a dome and 30mins later standing up again,im sure they already rooted in the 2-3 days but just not ready for the intense light yet. pics coming soon.