12,000BTU isn't doing much


Active Member
I have a 10x 10x 8 room with 2 air cooled 600's and a 315lec.

I have a carbon filter exhausting air out of the room

70 pint ideal air dehumidifier

I bought a 12,000 BTU ideal portable air conditioner and even with the lights off i can not get the room below 70, with them on I'm hitting 79-82.

I feel and was told I should be able to being getting much cooler temps. Am I getting what I should be or should I be getting cooler temps.


a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
I have a 10x 10x 8 room with 2 air cooled 600's and a 315lec.

I have a carbon filter exhausting air out of the room

70 pint ideal air dehumidifier

I bought a 12,000 BTU ideal portable air conditioner and even with the lights off i can not get the room below 70, with them on I'm hitting 79-82.

I feel and was told I should be able to being getting much cooler temps. Am I getting what I should be or should I be getting cooler temps.

12k btu should be plenty. Portables i feel are shit a/c i have a 9k btu in a veg area and it heats the room real nicely.


Active Member
That is a question I asked earlier in the same forum and what i have wanted to do the past two days. It seemed logical but I wasn't sure if I needed to exchange the air by exhausting it out and using passive intakes.


Well-Known Member
From what I understand, you can recirculate the air, but you gotta replenish the co2. Kinda like you breathing the same air over and over.


Well-Known Member
Dont exhaust anything from your room but the exhaust from the A/C itself. Also, portable A/C units can create negative pressure in a room while it is running and may pull in unwanted warmer temps from adjoining rooms through vents, ducts, under doorways, window gaps etc. This will make your ac run longer/more frequent than it needs to.


Active Member
I recirculated the air in the room and did not exhaust it out. It dropped the Temps to around 75 at canopy level under a air cooled 600. There are 3 passive intakes drawing in warmer air to keep fresh V220 coming in and some small cracks.

I wanted to replace the 600's with 1000's and invest in a co2 regulator and digital controller, hoping that the added levels of co2 would balance out the added heat for the air cooled 1000's.


Well-Known Member
I recirculated the air in the room and did not exhaust it out. It dropped the Temps to around 75 at canopy level under a air cooled 600. There are 3 passive intakes drawing in warmer air to keep fresh V220 coming in and some small cracks.

I wanted to replace the 600's with 1000's and invest in a co2 regulator and digital controller, hoping that the added levels of co2 would balance out the added heat for the air cooled 1000's.

Co2 will be wasted in your room if you have any kind of passive intakes. Co2 is for closed systems(no vents or air exchanges etc) Your also wasting a lot of your A/C with 3 intakes being open. Seal up the gaps etc and close the inlets. Your room will stay cool and there will be enough exchange im sure to supply the plants with all the co2 they need. If you control the temp better, then you dont need to supplement with co2 and you can run bigger, hotter lights as well.


Well-Known Member
you know anything about runnin CO2 at high altitudes?

i'm at almost 9000 ft and wondering if it will benefit me at all?

you seem to be very knowledgeable on the subject
holy shit u that high damn

if u can seal the room and actually allow the ppm to get to the 1500ppm u will love it ......the plants will just thicken the hell up grow will be increased is is freakking cool

now if u do this u need to adjust feeding to slightly heavier and watering times decrease (times between waterings that is)

co2 in a grow room is a shit load of fun .......if u do start adding it u can completely seal the room just jusing a ac heater unit and dehumidifer with the co2 burner ....u do need a set of senors and controllers plus the burner and the propain/natural gass

i have tried using mash buckets .......making alc using yeast the by product is prue Co2 works great for about 5 days then mash is done and lvls drop


Active Member
Sound information. Thanks for the help.. I've sealed up the passive intakes and the temp dropped another 3 degrees. I'm gonna pick up a co2 setup and switch the 6's for 1000s in the next cpl days. I'll get back on here and fill in with results.


Well-Known Member
do you run your ac in a room outside your grow area and vent the cool air in ?

you should put the ac vent coming in lower than your carbon filter and across the room from it

hot air above it will be draw into the filter the air below it will be cooled by the ac`d air

check its working fully even new units can be non effective the heat pump and gas in the system can get fucked up

the other issue running an ac inside the grow is that you have extra humidity from the plants this can lead to the cooling rad in the ac getting too wet and icing up also you get tons of extra condensation fucks with your humidity if you have it dialed in

best to vent the cool air into the grow also keeps the heat of the ac unit away from your plants


Active Member
Right now it may be difficult to vent the cool air into the room. But it's something I should think about.

Also my 6 in exhaust ducting from the air conditioner has to be pushed about through 15ft of extra ducting, would getting a small inline to help exhaust the air out help with cooling the unit. I'm thinking maybe the extra length of ducting may be causing a heat buildup and preventing the ac from working efficiently.



Well-Known Member
Right now it may be difficult to vent the cool air into the room. But it's something I should think about.

Also my 6 in exhaust ducting from the air conditioner has to be pushed about through 15ft of extra ducting, would getting a small inline to help exhaust the air out help with cooling the unit. I'm thinking maybe the extra length of ducting may be causing a heat buildup and preventing the ac from working efficiently.

yeah them aircon units only like a short pipe 2m or so is normally better

I would get the aircon unit out of the flowering area if you can as you want to use that space for buds

also you could rig the aircon upto an aircurtain or airsock you know some pipe around the grow area that distributes the cold are evenly around the plants

aircon units give off heat yes they cool far more than the heat they produce (if the outpipe is working right) but the heatpump and such produce heat

for max cooling of the room your aircon should be piped into the grow, plus then your hot out would be closer to outside

also your aircon wont be sucking weed air around its self, I mean stuff must build up in them when you throw it away better that its not full of weed, lol


Active Member
Thanks for the ideas. I think I'm just gonna do a mini split eventually but the idea if having a sort of Central air fot the room with multiple cooling vents sounds sweet.

Thanks again


Well-Known Member
Your air cooled lights are sucking your a/c cooled room air out. Happened to me. Tape up your hoods and you can slow that loss down a lot.

Afgan King

Well-Known Member
you know anything about runnin CO2 at high altitudes?

i'm at almost 9000 ft and wondering if it will benefit me at all?

you seem to be very knowledgeable on the subject
I'm at 6000 and works great lol and you gotta be sucking cold air out somewhere cuz i have 19k for 4000w of air cooled hps and my room stays in low 70's lights on and right now at 61° at night. Had issues before till I found leak