11 weeks. need help.


Well-Known Member
I will link my video, I'm just wondering if my plants are okay, its been 11 weeks veg time on them but they seem really small, and I was wondering if i can bloom them now? they have moved to 3-4 different locations under these 11 weeks. any advice would be seen as useful.



Active Member
What size light do you have? They look really small for an 11 week veg but to answer you question yes you can flower them now.... what kind of soil are you using and does it have perolite in it?


Well-Known Member
um, a pretty big one, maybe like 40 cm long and like pretty round. yeah.. its cause they have been moving around so much, they were bigger before I moved them. do they look healthy in general? how much do you think i can get from these guys. to be honest I have no idea what type of soiling I'm using, its just normal plant soil from my local flower-shop.


Active Member
Dude they will for double or triple in size. And after 11 weeks their of veg probly stunted. They probly need a bigger pot (for expanding root growth) and are beggin for their flowering to be started.

It does help everybody out if all your conditions are also posted -
show your lights all the above.


Well-Known Member
The dirt will have to work cause rly its to late unless you transplant them and in that case i would go FFOF. stop moving them. It always messes with the ladies. They hate to be handeled. Telling the size of the light doesnt do us any good in helping you. We need to know the wattage of it. Go ahead and flower them. Take clones first tho of corse. Good nuits and i think you will be ok. Almost impossible to give a real good estamite of yeild without more info about the girls growing conditions, such as lights power and even bulb brand, temp, nuits, humidity, and size. Plus distance from light is good to know as well. Make sure they are getting plenty of fresh air or they will stop growing.


Well-Known Member

Secret Jardin Darkroom DR150
Ecotechnics Air-cooled Diamond reflector
Venture Sunmaster MH 600W
Philips Son-T Plus 600W
LightWave Digital Ballast 600W
GHE CocoPellets (10)
BioBizz All-mix 50L
BioBizz Bio Grow 1L
BioBizz Bio Bloom 1L
BioBizz Top Max 1
BioBizz Root Juice 250ml
E2 Economyline 240m3 100mm
A small normal fan
A Humidifier (works well enough)
A radiator for heating.