10th Anniversary of 9/11 coming up on Sunday. U.S. and local gov. agencies on high

Do you think there will be an attack or an attempted attack in N.Y. this Sunday?

  • YES, I think there will be an attack or attempted attack in N.Y. this Sunday

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • NO, I do not think there will be any terrorist attack in N.Y. this Sunday

    Votes: 14 87.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
10th Anniversary of 9/11 coming up tomorrow. U.S. and local gov. agencies on high alert for the upcoming event at 'Ground Zero' in New York City on this upcoming Sunday, 9/11.

They've been talking about it all over the freaking news too. They say that from the raids when they killed Bin Laden.. they said that they got a shitload of intel. from pieces of paper, notebooks and even computer hd's that were inside the compound where Osama was living and hiding at.

They say that they found direct plans for the 10th anniversary of 9/11 in New York City.. In other words, I truly think someone's going to try something.

If those terrorist fucks want to keep this shit up.. I don't know what I could do to put a stop to it.. but damn it, I will sign my happy ass up for the Marines.. and I'll take my happy ass on over to where those raghead fucks are hiding.. and personally decapitate each one of them, then piss in their fucking mouths while they watch for the last 10 seconds of their lives, while I'm holding their heads by their hair, staring at them.. face to face.

This shit has GOT to fucking stop people. Seriously! That includes us!!

I know its more than likely not going to happen, but if each side would just STOP with the killings and bombings and the drama.. which is going to do nothing EXCEPT go back forth.. and it'll never stop.. it'll just keep going back and forth from one side to the other!!

I'm just personally sick and tired of constantly hearing about all the bullshit in the world today. We've got people today that are walking up into I-Hop restaurants with fucking machine guns and mac-10's and just spraying innocent people... can't even go get some fucking breakfast without having to worry about getting killed by some crazy psycho.

We've got kids that call themselves 'emo' (for emotional).. kids that cut themselves with razors because they're "emotional". Your not emotional.. you more than likely have 'ADD' and your just wanting attention from anyone possible!

Then you've got these kids, yea.. just kids, that are walking up into schools with guns and killing other innocent kids, teachers and staff members.. which seems to be getting more and more common these days.

Hell, it's all getting more and more common each day it seems.

I kinda got off subject here.. I just basically wanted to let everyone know, especially if any of you had planned on attending that 10th anniversary 9/11 memorial thing coming up on this Sunday. Just wanted to let you know to be very vigilant and aware of your surroundings and the people around you. They're telling people that plan on coming to the memorial on this Sunday.. they say that if you see ANYTHING suspicious.. that you think even just MIGHT be suspicious.. to please report it immediately.

Like I said, the local and U.S. agencies are extremely worried about this upcoming 10th anniversary.

I'm thinking that we're looking at probably about a 70% to 80% chance of someone or something happening.. or someone 'attempting' an attack on Sunday. The way they're saying it on the news, I mean.. they are extremely nervous and extremely paranoid about Sunday's event at Ground Zero.

Be careful everyone.

Lastly, I put up a poll. I want to know what percentage of you think something will happen on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and how many think that nothing will happen at all.

Peace to everyone and peace to the world.


Well-Known Member
its quite sad how religion brainwashes these people to do unimmaginable things like that.-funny how the leaders are smart enough to realize they wont be banging 71virgins in the afterlife.

From what i hear they have 3 suspects but have yet to find anyone linked directly, most likely a car bomb attack-and i feel there is a high probability there will be an attack due to the revenge seeking of osama bin laden

im with you tho, i would glady srap on boots and an m4 for my country, but i think we should just destroy every last bit of them. level their mountains and towns and honestly not give a fuck about civilains and what not. the US has too many morals when it comes to war and we need to realize its war, not a highschool fight.


Well-Known Member
I heard the same thing...

I just wanted to help get the word out about the high possibility of a new attack on the 9/11 10th anniversary.

I really hope nothing happens damn it.. that's the last thing we need right now is another fucking attack.

Heh, you think the economy is bad now.... pfffffftttt could you imagine if a new attack did actually happen??

We'd be absolutely fucked..


Active Member
I heard the same thing...

I just wanted to help get the word out about the high possibility of a new attack on the 9/11 10th anniversary.

I really hope nothing happens damn it.. that's the last thing we need right now is another fucking attack.

Heh, you think the economy is bad now.... pfffffftttt could you imagine if a new attack did actually happen??

We'd be absolutely fucked..
were already in a recession theres not many jobs. it can only go down hill from here.


Well-Known Member
You poor,brainwashed stupid fucks...there's no such thing as a terrorist, it's a term created to justify the patriot act. and the trillions of dollars spent eradicating these so-called 'terrorist'. The true 'terrorists' are the ones that blew up their own buildings, killed their own people and say that 'al queda' is responsible for everything . Open your brains you stupid fucksssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Common definitions of terrorism refer only to those violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror), are perpetrated for a religious, political or ideological goal, and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non combatants (civilians). so what would you call the people that ran those planes into the pentagon the towers and were trying to go for the white house? thats a terrorist in my book.


Well-Known Member
Common definitions of terrorism refer only to those violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror), are perpetrated for a religious, political or ideological goal, and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non combatants (civilians). so what would you call the people that ran those planes into the pentagon the towers and were trying to go for the white house? thats a terrorist in my book.

You're right the persons who were sitting at some US army base or close proximity with the god damn remote device controlling the planes and flying them into the buildings are fucking terrorist, just not the crazed Muslims shouting 'Allah akbar'. You Pompus,indifferent son of a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Why the fuck don't you pick up some of Harry j. Anslingers writing on marijuana and George w. Bush's autobiography while your at it you fucking prick.


Well-Known Member
You poor,brainwashed stupid fucks...there's no such thing as a terrorist, it's a term created to justify the patriot act. and the trillions of dollars spent eradicating these so-called 'terrorist'. The true 'terrorists' are the ones that blew up their own buildings, killed their own people and say that 'al queda' is responsible for everything . Open your brains you stupid fucksssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!
brainwashed stupid fucks?

your opening statement clearly shows your logic.. lol.


Well-Known Member
What's good Fdd?!?! Haven't spoke/seen you in a while now..

sounds like we've still got the 'know it-alls' floating around here. LOL...


I love those types of people.. they brighten up my day.

how are things on your side fdd?


Well-Known Member
What's good Fdd?!?! Haven't spoke/seen you in a while now..

sounds like we've still got the 'know it-alls' floating around here. LOL...


I love those types of people.. they brighten up my day.

how are things on your side fdd?
no terrorists here. :)


Active Member
To me, it thoughts expressed in threads like these and news stories aplenty that perpetuate the acts of terrorism and let the ones that commit said acts know they have won. A terrorists goal isn't just mass destruction or the killing of innocents. Its also to instill fear into everyone. It was a tragic day. Reliving it over and over is what they wanted. Friday, thousands of people across the country were gathering in stairwells in buildings across the country in memory of the lives lost. I feel that is a shameful thing to do. How can you attempt to put yourself in the same shoes of the fallen by reliving, albeit in safety, the final moments of the people that lost their lives. For me, it would had been better to think about what they would have been rather doing as a more substantial commemorative act. The only way to beat terrorism is to show them that we won't live in fear. We will never be able to rid the world of terrorism, till there is no one left to terrorize. I'm not saying we should not er on the side of caution, and not care about what happened or the possibility that it will (inevitably) happen again.


Well-Known Member
To me, it thoughts expressed in threads like these and news stories aplenty that perpetuate the acts of terrorism and let the ones that commit said acts know they have won. A terrorists goal isn't just mass destruction or the killing of innocents. Its also to instill fear into everyone. It was a tragic day. Reliving it over and over is what they wanted. Friday, thousands of people across the country were gathering in stairwells in buildings across the country in memory of the lives lost. I feel that is a shameful thing to do. How can you attempt to put yourself in the same shoes of the fallen by reliving, albeit in safety, the final moments of the people that lost their lives. For me, it would had been better to think about what they would have been rather doing as a more substantial commemorative act. The only way to beat terrorism is to show them that we won't live in fear. We will never be able to rid the world of terrorism, till there is no one left to terrorize. I'm not saying we should not er on the side of caution, and not care about what happened or the possibility that it will (inevitably) happen again.
This is good point man. Nice paragraph.. nicely and correctly put too!

Your right.. the terrorist and their actions, actually effect us in many ways. Their goal and or goals, isn't to just kill people and cause massive trauma and destruction.. but their actions also effect us mentally.. and that's, IMO.. what they love the most about their actions/goals.. is the fact that they know that their actions and attacks will never be forgotten. They know that what they're doing will change the way that we live our daily lives from that moment on.

However, as much as I'd like to sit here and say that their past attacks on U.S. soil hasn't effected me in any way.. I'd be lying to you guys and to myself. I will say this though.. I'm a very mentally/physically strong person.. more mentally than physically probably... and with that, even with their past attacks and future attacks that we American's will more than likely experience in the upcoming near future.. life still goes on. The clock only ticks one way you know? Which, I guess my point is.. is no matter what the terrorists do to us.. we need to keep moving forward. Never forget the innocent Americans, including young children and babies that were also killed on 9/11 in the attacks.. I personally will never forget them, or that dreadful day when the terrorists attacked the U.S. - but at the same time.. I have moved on with my life.. and will continue to 'move on' and move forward with my life personally.. and I think everyone else should try and do the same.

Just M.O. though.


Stoner Smurf

Active Member
To me, it thoughts expressed in threads like these and news stories aplenty that perpetuate the acts of terrorism and let the ones that commit said acts know they have won. A terrorists goal isn't just mass destruction or the killing of innocents. Its also to instill fear into everyone. It was a tragic day. Reliving it over and over is what they wanted. Friday, thousands of people across the country were gathering in stairwells in buildings across the country in memory of the lives lost. I feel that is a shameful thing to do. How can you attempt to put yourself in the same shoes of the fallen by reliving, albeit in safety, the final moments of the people that lost their lives. For me, it would had been better to think about what they would have been rather doing as a more substantial commemorative act. The only way to beat terrorism is to show them that we won't live in fear. We will never be able to rid the world of terrorism, till there is no one left to terrorize. I'm not saying we should not er on the side of caution, and not care about what happened or the possibility that it will (inevitably) happen again.
Couldn't have said it better myself. The real act of terrorism that will take place on Sept 11, 2011 will be the second straight week of 9/11 programming all over our TVs just to make a quick buck.


Well-Known Member
Yet another valid point.. nicely put you guys.

Smurfs! Holy shit.. I haven't seen that since I was just a little guy!

I remember Smurfs, 'HEMAN', and of course, who could ever forget 'Fraggle Rock!' <-- Fraggle Rock was like my FAVORITE show to watch while I laid on the living room floor sipping on my 'sippy cup'. LOL.. seriously! I use to watch those shows all the time when I was just a little kid.

The good 'ol days eh? That's what those were.. back when you didn't have to worry about rather or not your kid was going to get shot at school.. back when you didn't have to worry about going to get breakfast and getting shot or blown up by some radical terrorist.. or some psycho asshole. Yep, those days are gone my friends.. long gone.. and we'll never see the peace that we experienced and lived in back in those days. It's sad, but it is what it is.. :|

peace everyone, peace.