10g potted plants.. Xplant

I have these big Ole 10g potted plants that need an xplant.. they are starting to burn and are like 6 ft around. Question.. How the heck do I xplant these fat ladies to 15g pots, they in plastic pots.. just razor blade em out and tie up nodes? Other idea is to just throw em in flower, they going to have problems with the roots touching the bottom? I already know the answer but you never know lol20160131_192046.jpg 20160131_192210.jpg

This one looks good but I imagine it's not far behind the others.

Crab Pot

Well-Known Member
She's a beast:)... I wouldn't be going into anything less than a 20 gallon pot. She's already getting root bound and she still has a couple months of flowering time. Besides, the bigger the pot the bigger the crop..

If you have some help, you should be able to get that plastic pot to slide off. There should be plenty of roots to hold the soil together as long as the soil is not too wet. Just hold the plant up by the stalk and slide the pot off. Make sure you have the next pot ready to go...