You don't exhaust if you're running CO2, if you want to scrub the air inside you can run a carbon filter and circulate the air inside. Some people do that so when you open the door smell doesn't escape. Get a controller that controls CO2, exhaust, and air conditioner if needed and that senses how much CO2 is in the air. This way when you exhaust at night, good idea to, it'll shut off the regulator and turn on the exhaust so you're not wasting CO2.
I'd stray away from the 1 fan, you had the right idea with 2 fans. More control that way especially if your seasons have huge temp spikes. I live in the northeast so I get cold winters and hot summers so I like the idea of 2 fans so I can gain heat in the winter. If I exhausted through my reflector I wouldn't be able to shut the reflector fan off to keep heat in the room. I'd have 62F temps instead of 78F.
I'd go with 2 600w's for that sized room and chain them together gives you closer to 50w/sq ft. And 600w bulbs have the most lumens per watt. I think 435CFM is a bit overkill for the light and would use that as a main exhaust until you get CO2 in. I'd use a cheap 240CFM inline for the lights. Mine keeps my 600w cool. I can leave my plants like 8 inches below it. Although if you have an air cooled hood that dramatically reduces the amount of ventilation needed. You could be good with say a Soler & Palau TD-150 for room exhaust and a cheap 240CFM for lights. I have a 240CFM for lights and a TD-200 and I honestly wish I got the TD-150. 550CFM is a bit overkill for an 8x10 room, although a good rule is 1cfm per cubic foot. This will give you 1 complete room air change every minute.
I'd make your passive intake double that size of your exhaust for adequate airflow.