1000 watts or 2( 600 watts) bulbs? 5' by 4' grow room

My grow room is going to be 5' by 4' and I was wondering what you guys think I should do about lighting. I am thinking of either using a 1000 watt bulb or 2 (600 watt) bulbs with independent hoods. I know that more the lumens the better but wasn't sure if 2 (600 watts) bulbs would be an overkill. If you guys suggest a 1000 watts what kind of hood do you think I should get?


Well-Known Member
common mistake is to think that lumens play a part in plant growth. they don't. bulbs are just measured in lumens because that's how they were originally intended. a lumen is just a measurement of light visible to the human eye and plays no part in plant growth.

you say that your room is going to be 5x4 but are you actually going to be growing in that entire space? you might need other equipment in there like a dehumidifier, a/c, etc... find out what the actual footprint of your plants is going to be then get a light based on that. for a 5x4 space a single 1000w with an oversized hood would be ideal. 2 600's would be major overkill.