1000 gallon smart pots?


Well-Known Member
1000 gallon smart pots? My starters are already 1 foot tall. Ice cream cake. Iv had plants feature on General hydro with one plant taller then 3 55 gallon GH barrels so I know how to go big.

Is 1000 gallon over kill for one plant? Iv often had 50 foot around plants every year if I do the work.

Video is not me.
I knew who it was as soon as I seen the preview. Those guys choose the worst music. I'm from CA and its garbage underground that sounds like a bunch of white kids from the burbs. Awesome grow skills tho. I regularly used 100 gal with huge plants. 1k gal is crazy. Too much. 500 is plenty.
I knew who it was as soon as I seen the preview. Those guys choose the worst music. I'm from CA and its garbage underground that sounds like a bunch of white kids from the burbs. Awesome grow skills tho. I regularly used 100 gal with huge plants. 1k gal is crazy. Too much. 500 is plenty.

Im not the people in the video. Just asking. I can have only 6 plants. feels unfair so thought to grow some monsters and feed 2x a day at 110% with root treatment. Hell for $1000 for 6 it would last for a life time. Im told its over kill. I like over kill. I love to over complicate things.
I knew who it was as soon as I seen the preview. Those guys choose the worst music. I'm from CA and its garbage underground that sounds like a bunch of white kids from the burbs. Awesome grow skills tho. I regularly used 100 gal with huge plants. 1k gal is crazy. Too much. 500 is plenty.
how the hell do you even get to the top of the canopy? you have one of those snorkel lifts or scissor lifts?
Im not the people in the video. Just asking. I can have only 6 plants. feels unfair so thought to grow some monsters and feed 2x a day at 110% with root treatment. Hell for $1000 for 6 it would last for a life time. Im told its over kill. I like over kill. I love to over complicate things.
Sorry i didnt mean to infer that you are the ones in the video. They are the Mendo Dope Boys. Been around the triangle for a few years. Its complete overkill. 500 gal is overkill.

They look really cool but you cant have all your plants like that. It creates too much work. I grew a 10-11 ft Willie Nelson in a 60 gal. Biggest pain in the ass I ever grew.
Better cage those girls, but youve watched Mendo Dope. Post when done, 50g is what lve used, huge in that. Cant wait to see yours. If the thieves dont beat you too it. Like mine for past ten years.
I pointed an empty shot gun at Bevis and butthead once, Metallica shirt, other had slayer shirt. they ran into the sticker bushes where they stayed for 3 hours. my gun had no bullets!