100 Things That Are Worse For You Than Weed


Well-Known Member
now we all know the usual stuff , cigarettes and alcohol. and when i say worse than weed i mean little things, so dont say shit like "death is worse than marijuana" u know ?
so ill start of by saying

Coca Cola and Pepsi


Well-Known Member
Paeanut butter is one of the healthiest foods you could eat.
although ur correct tons of PB is not good but some yes is acutally very healthy.................. but i think he was talkin bout the salminila that put some people in the hospital last month due to pb and peanuts.. well atleast in my area there was ( east coast)


Well-Known Member
WTF dude! Animals? You sure?

And humanity?

All those responses require further explanation.

are you kidding me?

Do you think humanity is not dangerous? I want to live in whatever fairy land you do

and for the animals I was going on sheer numbers of deaths by animals vs death by pot

don't be so quick to jump down someones throat man its not very becoming