100% ORGANIC SOIL GROW (nutrient burn)


New Member
Hi guys!
Just thought id make a post in regard to my latest grow & hopefully get some advice along the way!

As you can tell from the title ive gone 100% organic
Ive used a 40L 75/25 ratio of organic doltons potting mix & perlite. + organic fertilizer 4-2-2.

Im pretty limited on what i can buy in my country already + with the lockdown from covid19 this is all i could come up with to get me started.

I started 4 seeds in straight pottingmix/perlite in 4x solo cups and have transplanted into 4x 9L buckets with the pottingmix/perlite + fertiliser.

I have been really impressed with their growth and have had zero issues until now!

I have been worried since the beggining that i used to much fert in my soil mix (it was just after 420 )
And now 4weeks since they first sprouted ive got some minor nutrient burn. Yellow tips and curling down leafs, fan leaves starting to go a darker green.

Ive done alot of research in regard to flushing and rollitup.org has been extremely helpful, how ever it can be abit confusing after house of reading. Especially with the differences in organic growing / synthetics etc.

Ive only watered with bottled natural spring water, ph6.5 and left out for over 24hrs to try evap any nasties.

Does anyone have any suggestion on how i should go about treating this issue?

Do you think i should flush with clean water ph6.5? Or would that just promote the ferts to release more nutrients?

should i just wait it out and hope my girls burn up the excess nutes?

This run is really a learning experiance as i have only grown outdoor for the past 7years, but i would still like to try acheive some yield ofcourse.

Any advice would be much appreciated! ThankyouScreenshot_20200425-191330_Messenger.jpgScreenshot_20200425-191320_Messenger.jpgScreenshot_20200425-191307_Messenger.jpg
I will try post some better photos! These are with the camera flash in the pitch black
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What that little yellowing of the tips? Yes your mix is a bit too stout but watering as normal is the only fix. Don’t “flush” or do anything drastic they will be fine. Just let it ride.
Cheers for that mate.
After abit more reading i could also be thinking im short on microbial life, from lack of compost/worm castings in the soil mix. Microbes are needed to break down the fertilizer and make ot available?
It WILL acclimate as long as you dont start adding unnecessary things to equation.

Think of this example ... ( its lame but it explains it well ) .... think of getting into a hot tub... first it feels hot af then your body tempers it and you are chillin after. Same shit. Plants can be sensitive bitches at times.
That's not a bad analogy. I like it.
Cheers for that mate.
After abit more reading i could also be thinking im short on microbial life, from lack of compost/worm castings in the soil mix. Microbes are needed to break down the fertilizer and make ot available?
You can always give aerated compost teas or just add some worm castings as a top dress to maintain microbial activity. Keep it simple. No need to give anything heavy in value just bubble some ewc in a bucket with a tsp of molasses. Maybe add kelp if you have some. Brew for 36+ hrs and serve.
You can always give aerated compost teas or just add some worm castings as a top dress to maintain microbial activity. Keep it simple. No need to give anything heavy in value just bubble some ewc in a bucket with a tsp of molasses. Maybe add kelp if you have some. Brew for 36+ hrs and serve.

Cheers for that mate, i very much agree! However after some more reading and abit of advice from an experianced friend, this is what ive done to try and correct my microbial life.

I collected some really good old living compost from my fathers organic compost bin

Some dirt from the worm farm (mainly worm poo)

And i broke open some old rotten logs and collected the black material from inside, apparently this is like stage 5 humus? And rich with microbes etc.

I then mixed all of this together, it was about 3/4 of a buckets worth, i then added a few hand fulls of light and fluffy soil to the bucket and mixed in.

The soil looked alive and was teaming with life.

I then removed around 1inch of media off the top of my pots, i didnt want to go to deep and damage to much of my girls roots.

I then mixed this with my compost mix and then put back a 2.5-3inch layer into the pots.
And watered with spring water ph6.5 as usual.

Im going to purchase a air pump etc to make some teas and i plan on giving my girls a drink with ewc tea.

Hopefully this fixes my lack of microbes and thus fixes my nutrient burn that im experiancing.

Hope this makes sense!
Any thoughts?
I did all of this lastnight once lights came on,
Almost immediately the girls didnt look happy with me.. but that was to be expected.

However this morning they have all stood back up and look somewhat happy! Hopefully im on the right track!