100% new to growing.


So i told a friend i wanted to learn how to grow. Well about a week later he set up the room and told me to push them into flower. I have done what i leaned from books and online. With that said please look at the pics and let me know if you see anything that might help. IMG_20121027_130137.jpgIMG_20121027_130151.jpgIMG_20121027_130501.jpg I just feel like the buds are smaller then they should be.


Well-Known Member
How long did they veg for? What kind of light do you use? Is see some deficiencies, some curling(Ph) some big stetch....hmmmmmmmm help guys, i'm not sure where to begin.


Active Member
you should start by reading and watching videos about your new hobby.
to me it looks as though the light was kept too far away during its growing time, both veg and flower, or not enough light was used.
you did get some bud out of it though, so that is a good thing.
buy yourself a $5 30x loupe to observe the resin glands which will tell you when to pick the flowers and dry/cure them.
next grow, keep your lights as close to the plant as you can without burning them.
you should post some basic info here telling us details like: what kind of soil did you use? what kind of light (fluorescent, HID, etc)? What is the wattage of the light? Did you grow from seed or clones? How far above the plants did you keep the light? Did you have ventilation (fresh air) or use co2? did you have a fan blowing on the plants from the time they were small to strengthen the stems? there is much to learn, but for a 1st grow at least you will have some buds to smoke.


Active Member
Is that a single pot that you have them in? or sectioned off? Putting more than one plant in the same medium is not a good idea. Also what pmumbry said.


I got them 9/8/12. Im unsure about the veg. I have only had them for flower. They are under a 1000w. The only info I have is 2 of them are purple kush and the rest are hybrids. Im almost sure they came from clones he did. I tried to re-pot when i first got them but the roots would not come apart. I think he was using FoxFarm. I know they are a mess.


Active Member
Do more research, just looking at the pics you can see multiple mistakes, growing is all about trial and error to us newbies. Watch videos online, read grow journals and go to barnes and noble and buy some marijuana cultivation books. Take your time and don't rush into it, you'll be much happier with the outcome in the end.


Well-Known Member
Your friend is an idiot. Finish them..using proper nutes ..say GH GO box and then start your own. You seem smart as you know he screwed up.


His room looks all yellow And the ones i have are not much better. Here is the room. ( the plants are not pulled off to the the sides like that. I was moving them when i took the pic) The other pic is when i first got them. Also this is the feeding i was told to use. I tried it once and seen to was to strong. I cut it by 25% and it seemed to work better.IMG_20121028_144034.jpgIMG_20120909_114624.jpgIMG_20120908_205837.jpg


The only ventilation I have is the air vent for the room. I moved a fan in there about 4 weeks ago to keep the air moving. ( I have it set on low and not blowing on the plants)


Active Member
The only ventilation I have is the air vent for the room. I moved a fan in there about 4 weeks ago to keep the air moving. ( I have it set on low and not blowing on the plants)
actually, you do want them to blow on the plants, ah la oscillating fan, preferably on the tops of the plant. This will help with mold and also strengthen the stems for good bud production.


Well-Known Member
You got something to smoke on your first grow... nice.
An instructional grow video will cover the basics on lighting and ventilation. Those two areas would be good to step up.

The planter box vs container thing...
I don't know about saying a planter box is a "bad idea" but yeah, it can be a pain in the ass.
I've done planter boxes and containers indoors, and I definitely will not return to a planter box indoors.


Well-Known Member
From the pics..move the light lower say 22" from the top..or elevate plants closer.. push plants together under it.. Have fun!:peace: edit: watch for stress as the plants aren't used to it.


Active Member
yes, get the light in closer, also feed them nutes regularly according to your schedule. on your next grow consider going organic and using some souped up soil that you only need to add plain water to as needed. There are recipes for good soil such as supersoil that you put in the bottom half of your container then fill up with regular soil and add plant. Use 1 container per plant, and let them veg a while before flowering. Get some fresh air to the plants, they need co2 from fresh air...... read and watch some videos on youtube, there are lots of good ones.