100% convinced cannabis heals *MOVED*


Well-Known Member
Hey guys.

I just wanted to share somthing with everyone. We all know that marijuana heals.. but so many people just dont believe its worth it being legal because its a "drug that gets you high" FUCK THEM.

Here is what happend just yesterday. I trimmed my plants to lollpy pop them.. and i had used the trimmings to make brownies. Well this time i had a shit ton of trimmings with flowers on them.

Made the butter + cannibis and then made some brownies.

I have a grandmother who sufferes from diabetes, high blood preasure, had an open heart surgery, she gets deadly insulin shortages that need her to be rushed to the hospital somtimes. I hate to see her suffer so much.

she always complained that every night she would sweat, and not get a good nights sleep.. for 8 years since here surgery. and also that every morning she would be so tired that it would take her atleast an hour to regain some energy.

Well i went over yesterday to visit her and took my brownies as well. I was on my way to a friends house but i decided to stop by. I put the brownies on the table, and when i came back from the bathroom i noticed she had took one and was eating it. "wow these are great, who made em your girlfriend?" Gramma says... I got a little scared because i didnt know what kind of effect it would give an old person with her problems.. so i panic... and i decide to stay there the whole night.

Well in a hour or 2, she falls right to sleep( the time she tries falling asleep daily), she wakes up the next morning and she says, "I havn't had this kind of good sleep for a long time, i wonder why?" then she notices that she is not sweating and that she got up right away! and was feeling energetic with a full appitite.

She claims she has never felt this way ever in her life. and it feels great. doctors told her it is good for her to eat as much as healthy foods as she could, but she never had an appitite.

Im just so happy that marijuana was able to help her this little bit. But for this little bit was a great deal for her... and I.

FUcking Piece of shits LEGALIZE THIS... ITs getting ridiculous already!

Sorry for the long story... i was just so amazed and finnaly 100% convinced.


Well-Known Member
i am glad it helped her. i wish everybody would see how much weed can help people. i had to quit smoking 3 or 4 years ago for a good job. i have diabetes and struggled with it this past year. some days i could hardly get out of bed too. i had a physical job where i worked outside all the time. my health got bad this year and i spent time off from work in and out of the hospital. my fuckin company decides to suspend me indefinately. which means they canned me. now i said fuck it, now i can smoke again. in 4 years i have not felt as good as i do right now from smoking.


Well-Known Member
Man you dont even know how damm good that made me feel after reading that,ive got a soft spot for grammys:mrgreen:

You should keep making her brownies,be sure NOT TO TELL HER whats in them,only tell her that they are made with 100% natural ingreidents & vitimans that will help her.

She's of a different era that does not approve of anything illeagel so you gotta sneak em by her but she's gotta keep eating them.

Awesome story bro.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. Im sure she knows of marijuana as she told me stories of how she would drive passed the growing fields when she was a little girl.. in the mediterranean (1930's) But she doesn't have a clear idea of what cannabis is used for.


Well-Known Member
They have been covering up marijuanas healing properties since Jesus used it.
I am glad that your gran responded well to it.
A good nights sleep and some food is sometimes all we really need:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
I have hodgkins lymphoma (cancer) and smoking herb works better than any of the neasuea meds they give me. They perscribe my zophran and without insurance 12 name brand pills are aout 750$! could almost get a qp 4 that and have it last u some time and also get the other theraputic benifits of the bud (pain, anxiety, etc)


Well-Known Member
I have hodgkins lymphoma (cancer) and smoking herb works better than any of the neasuea meds they give me. They perscribe my zophran and without insurance 12 name brand pills are aout 750$! could almost get a qp 4 that and have it last u some time and also get the other theraputic benifits of the bud (pain, anxiety, etc)
Try to get some cannabis oil for that if you can,it will help a lot more for your pain and the free radicals in cannabis oil have been proven to attack cancerous cells.
Best of luck:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
Isn't that the truth. I never had a nights sleep until I began to smoke. I went to my Doctor and asked for some prescription that would help. He asked how I coped at the moment and I explained my Cannabis use. He refused to prescribe any pharms (Thank God) and told me to carry on as I was, as any script he could give would certainly come with multiple side effects including addiction. How can this advice be squared with the Law? I patiently await being busted as the only means of finding out. I asked him to note our interview on my medical records as a backup. Luckily I am retired,so am indifferent to the prospect of unemployment and can afford excellent legal advice.


Well-Known Member
Try to get some cannabis oil for that if you can,it will help a lot more for your pain and the free radicals in cannabis oil have been proven to attack cancerous cells.
Best of luck:peace::joint:
Yeah I have had some lately and it did seem to work great for pain and neaseua. Bud = better than pharms


Well-Known Member
Man, i really think this can heal most of peoples problems.. i swear to god...

Its a miracle herb why do you think the government is so scared to allow it.

I could make a huge list of what it heals and cures...im sure everyone knows..

cant sleep? bud....
PMS? bud.....
headache? bud....
cancer? bud....
pains? bud.....
cant eat? too skinny? bud.....
Etc... BUD....


See why its so scarry to the government...

I dont give a fuck... Its working for my gramma. and i will do anything to make her feel her best. dont give a fuck what the government says at that point.

It just angers me that there is soo much proof of benifit... and its still considered "dangerous".


New Member
Isn't that the truth. I never had a nights sleep until I began to smoke. I went to my Doctor and asked for some prescription that would help. He asked how I coped at the moment and I explained my Cannabis use. He refused to prescribe any pharms (Thank God) and told me to carry on as I was, as any script he could give would certainly come with multiple side effects including addiction. How can this advice be squared with the Law? I patiently await being busted as the only means of finding out. I asked him to note our interview on my medical records as a backup. Luckily I am retired,so am indifferent to the prospect of unemployment and can afford excellent legal advice.
Its people like you that need to stand up and say this helps and does not have the side affects. LEAVE ME ALONE!! I am glad its helping you!


Well-Known Member
Man, i really think this can heal most of peoples problems.. i swear to god...

Its a miracle herb why do you think the government is so scared to allow it.

I could make a huge list of what it heals and cures...im sure everyone knows..

cant sleep? bud....
PMS? bud.....
headache? bud....
cancer? bud....
pains? bud.....
cant eat? too skinny? bud.....
Etc... BUD....


See why its so scarry to the government...

I dont give a fuck... Its working for my gramma. and i will do anything to make her feel her best. dont give a fuck what the government says at that point.

It just angers me that there is soo much proof of benifit... and its still considered "dangerous".
Government wont allow becuse it would put doctors out of business which would put pharmacys out of business. This would put people making the rx drugs out of business and then the schools would lose money because no one would study to be a doctor, or pharmacist or drug rep or nurse or anything like that because there would be no money in it. Perscription drugs are just as big of an industry as blackmarket drug trade. Just not illegeal but probably till wrong.


Active Member
I was very happy to hear about the brownies and gramma - Made my heart smile. I have breast cancer and an immunologist guy who helps me with protocols because I am inoperable and can't take chemo is compiling all the research on MJ and cancer- I didn't realize that when I decided to quit smoking some years back, the big flood of health problems I had were probably because the dope had been balancing my immune system for years and then I went out of whack. I applied for my med MJ card and started up in preparation - already my fibromyalgia is much better and it helps with keeping my tumor growth down, too. But it's really good for specific kinds of pains, sharp, irritating, nagging - things hydrocodone just won't touch. I can't count the different ways it helps. the research is really adding up - eventually, we can hope that the insanity that started so many years ago with lies and distortions will end and we will be truly free to use this magnificent herb for the holistic medicine it is - body, mind and soul.

I got my card today at last - a big moment. But I want this available all the time for everyone who chooses. I am a noob at growing (am over in hydroponics) and as a med user, but happy to find a place here to talk about the medical aspect, too. Thanks again for the great brownies story - you keep those brownies going to gramma.
mmmmmm i wonder how some peanut butter cookies would taste
haha, I remember fishing in the summer last year and dude rowing his canoe up the river asked my pal and I if we chiefed, he then threw us a rice krispy each with some hash and a little bit of fungi as he said. I wish I knew the recipe!:mrgreen: