I was working on a construction job on a dairy in California. I got up, got dressed, made my coffee, and out the door I went. I was lucky enough to live 5 minutes away from the job at the time so I arrived at about 5:45 a.m. It was raining so I was waiting in my car when the lady who lived there asked me if I knew how to hook up an antenna to her tv...
So as we are walking back to her house she asked If I was listening to what was going on? I said "No, what's going on?" She said "An airplane crashed into the Empire State Building!" We went to her kitchen and I hooked up the set of rabbit ears and tuned into the first station to come in...
From there I remember my boss coming into the house saying that we would not be working due to the weather so I went home. In that 5 minute drive home, the radio station I was listening to was in confusion. All I knew when walking back through my door was something bad has happened...
I turned the tv on just before the second plane hit...
I live on the west coast. I was no where near any of that and I knew no-one lost or involved.
I will tell you that I wanted to serve our country but do to medical issues, I could not. That day, to me, was like someone busting down my door while me and my family are sitting on the couch.
I came to the realization today that I am not ready to re-live that day. I know every year we go through it but this year it's magnified...
Be Kind To One Another.....

So as we are walking back to her house she asked If I was listening to what was going on? I said "No, what's going on?" She said "An airplane crashed into the Empire State Building!" We went to her kitchen and I hooked up the set of rabbit ears and tuned into the first station to come in...
From there I remember my boss coming into the house saying that we would not be working due to the weather so I went home. In that 5 minute drive home, the radio station I was listening to was in confusion. All I knew when walking back through my door was something bad has happened...
I turned the tv on just before the second plane hit...
I live on the west coast. I was no where near any of that and I knew no-one lost or involved.
I will tell you that I wanted to serve our country but do to medical issues, I could not. That day, to me, was like someone busting down my door while me and my family are sitting on the couch.
I came to the realization today that I am not ready to re-live that day. I know every year we go through it but this year it's magnified...
Be Kind To One Another.....