10 hour light schedule after 1 week 12/12 (from seedling stage)

After my first unsuccessful grow (5 out of 7 females but still all 7 died sooner or later), I am now trying a 2nd grow.

I am trying 12/12 straight from seedling and they seem to be growing fine. 1 week so far. However, due to some unplanned guests here for a while, I had to switch them to 10 hour iight and 14 hour darkness..

Basically my light schedule starts 2 hours before I come home from work. However, now when I am away, I have to keep the indoor growbox off as the fans make too much noise otherwise... but when Im home, I can make sure Im the only one near the box. The box is locked but still I don't want to arouse any suspicions, so I have to switch the box off. Is it ok to keep 10 hours light from now onwards?