10 days into flowering and dont know whats happening

[email protected]

Active Member
ok I thought that I might have a mg issue so I added 1 tsp of calmag per gallon yesterday and now it seem like the plant is getting worse. It only effects the bigger fan leaves. How do you guys think I can solve this issue.

I always water with RO water with ph 6.0-6.2. I tested the soil ph today and it is 7.2.

What can I do?



Well-Known Member
You should provide a little more information for help. What kind of nute/watering schedule are they on?
Also, how did you ph the soil? by runoff or with an electronic soil tester? I found my 2 soil testers to be unreliable pieces of junk.
If you are using RO water you should almost always be applying calmag to the water with exception to some nutes which provide enough.