10 day old Seedlings SICK LEAVES or Deficiencies, Mandala - Hashberry PICS

Plants are 10 days old in a mixture of sun shine promix and too much vermiculite :wall:, i have to water everyday, my filtered water is around 8.5ph and i lower it to about 6.5 to 7 best i can with lemon juice, as for the filtered water no telling if the filters are still working, I test the difference from tap and filter.. same ph, I also oxygenate the water for about 90min to remove chlorine, every other watering i have been giving them about 1/8 strength of technaflora root66 and thive alive b1 red both are 1-1-1 ... I know i should haven't given them anything, but there is no nutrients in the soil, plants are under 400w CMH 24/0 about 18-19 inchs away I have heard this strain is quite a heavy feeder, they look like there starving for nitrogen and some deficiencies, or over watered underwater nutrient burn? PH problems?


I have looked at the stickys ect, number of deficiencies look the same to me, i Just need good advice not a guess or mabe, as of now i am gonna flush them really good with distilled water, and wait and see what incredible members of this forum have to say, I have the technaflora recipe for success kit so i got all FOOD the plant could need, thank you for looking at my post
:-):-) Energi2DMaxX


Well-Known Member
You are overwatering and burnt them with the nutes you knew you shouldn't have added, along with the lemonaid.

As long as the cotyledons are there, they supply everything the seedling needs, except water and the vermiculite retains plenty of that.

You're loving them to death.



Well-Known Member
Don't use nutes until they are larger I usually wait till the cotyledon die and fall off, you should just water enough to get the soil moist at this point.


Well-Known Member
You want them to bounce back? Transplant those coir pots into bigger pots, and they will. Those things dry out too fast, especially those small ones you're using, and leave the roots hanging in dry soil, too often, starving the plants. I can almost guaranteee that's what's going on, in your case. Move up to 1 gallon pots, or better yet, your final-sized pots, and watch 'em take off. Oh yeah,... get some real PH up/down, sometime in the near future, too. Lemon juice will work, but should be replaced as soon as possible, with stuff designed for growing. :)

Also, if your medium has zero nutes in it, make sure you use a balanced fert mix, something with trace nutes, especially calcium and magnesium. They don't need much, at this age, but still need *some*.