1 to 4an a half gallon pots, Watering ????

My plant were 4 weeks old when I transfered from 1gal to the 4an a half gallon pots. Tomorrow it will be 2 weeks since I watered them for the first time in the bigger pots and my moister meter, still says they are wet, Does this seem like along time in between waterings??? Plants look good, about 13 inches. I am using MG soil, so I do NOT want to over water


Well-Known Member
2 weeks since youve watered? poke some holes in there or lower your humidity. here in fl i have gone a week without watering but outdoors, best thing you can do is poke holes in the topsoil so the roots arent smothered.


Well-Known Member
stick your finger down in the soil if its wet its wet lol. your plants probably just too small still at only 4-6 weeks to suck up that much water that fast


Well-Known Member
smh. just put your dam hand in the soil. even if it feels slightly moist and cold its fine. unless its dry you dont need to water. i cant believe you actually need a meter for that.