1 big bang, 1 kandy kush, and 2 bag seed of some stench. running 2 600w hps bulbs


hi guys i started a grow 3 weeks ago and just wanted to show off some pics ive got and will be getting when my bloody camara works!!

im growing 1 kandy kush, 1 big bang from greenhouse seeds, and two bagseed i got from some nice bud i had a week ago.
there 3 weeks in now, had some problems at first with humidity and temperture, but there all sorted now,
first off all i had them in a grow box i built myself with 1 heat lamp for warmth and two 100w cfl type home bulbs, to make it easier il put it all in a list for you guys.

1 heat lamp
2 100w cfls
started in water then paper towl method.
then strait to 2 inch pots for one week i grow box
using jhonn innes no1 for medium
then into some 4 inch fabic pots with jhonn innes no1 again
then at 3 weeks they went up into room wich has got two 600w hid lights with a big desk fan and extractor fan.
temps are 23 celsius to 27 celsius
humidity is at 50-60%
there in some big tub like pots with jhonn innes no2 wich they will stay in now till finish
i havnt given them no nutes yet
waterd every three days

so far there looking real good, had some problems with nitrogen with the kandy kush but all seems well now.
big bang is like 4 inch tall and pure indica bush looking
kandy kush looks real nice aswell at about 2 inches
and bagseed 1 is small at 1 inch
and bag seed 2 is nice at 4 inch looking loke pure sativa

anyway il get some pics over weekend and put some up for ya.
managed to get some pics from when they were seedlings

pic no2. you can see the wierd kandy kush twin???
its growing tho so no worries.:lol:



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hey jason 1976,

yea im looking forward to seeing how she turns out, ive heard alot that they get real big and branchy.
well i went to see my babies today and there geting on verry well, the big bang is like 6 inces tall and bushy as hell, and shes only 4 weeks old now today from seed.
the kandy kush is looking abit smaller, about 4 inches and got a couple nodes at 1 inch. smae age as the big bang, ive actuallytied her over abit to try and get a horizontal looking plant with loads of bud parts instead of one big cola.;-)
as for the bagseed 1 and 2, well 1 isloking quite limp for her age but i think its because she had major nitrogen deficiency at birth which i think has slowed her down. also toped her today to see how she responds for the weekn or two.
bagseed 2 is looking great, deffo a pure sativa as shes growing really nice with big long skinny leaves and loads of future budsites.:lol:
anyway for the other info, ive got abit of a problem with the big bang roots coming out of my tub!! its not a massive tub but theres not enough room for a bigger one really as the room is only 5.8 foot tall!!!
atm ive just left her to it and hoping it wont get root bound wat do you think??
another problem with her is the leave tips are curling down and underneath? she looks real healthy apart from this? i water when she needs it, sometimes once a week and havnt fed her yet as the soil holds enough for 1 month. what could it be? the tmps are 25 celsius but at night when lights are off its like 17 celsius!! humidity at 50%.
will put somw pics of them all but there crap because there from my phone as the camara chrarger has died.:wall:

pic 1...big bang.
pic 2...back half is bagseed and front half right is trainwreck and cheese, front left is big bang and kandy kush.
pic 3...big bang
pic 4...kandy kush being tied over.
pic 5...bagseed 1, just been topped.
pic 6...bagseed 2 being tied over almost horizontal.
pic 7...all of them together.

in pic 7 you can see the difference the big bang is at the same age as all the others!!
Looks good, I just put 2 bagseeds in myself but I vegged for 1 month from seed but I am using 2 400 watt bulbs. So we may finish those around the same time.
hi medicinalhealing, yea we should around the same time.
theyve grown so much in the last week its mad, the bigbang and bagseed 1 or showing pre flower signs now which is good because i know there deffo girls now.
the kandy kush and bagseed 2 are taking a little longer as theye were under fertiliezed early in life which put them back a week!! ive actually got some more pics to put on now to show progress so will do that in a minute, also ive just got a vegging light! abit late i know but itl help for the last 2 weeks of veg hopefully.
IMAG0476.jpgIMAG0477.jpg here are the kandy kush at front and the topped bagseed at back, both looking real good apart rom abit of cold stress as from snow..
IMAG0478.jpgIMAG0479.jpghere are the bagseed 1 on left which has been topped. and the big bang on right which has grown like 2 inch in a week and showing signs of pre flower.
IMAG0480.jpgIMAG0481.jpgmore of big bang as shes the best.lol
IMAG0482.jpgIMAG0483.jpghere on the left we have bagseed 2 which ive trained over to get more room for the bigbang.. was on a tight budget so couldnt get loads of big pots unfortunetly.:cry: and on thge right is my mate trainwreck which not so happy atm, shes also been topped.
IMAG0484.jpgIMAG0485.jpgand the last are the ones on the left are my new babies which are all bagseed! i litrally put em in to see what will happen if i bud them at 1 month old.lol from seed. and the ones on the right are my mates trainwreck and cheese which are poorly aswell. growing really slow them ones, i think the cause is the ph hasnt been tested so it must be way off..:cry:
anyway il keep you guys updated next week. see you soon guys. ps they go into flower in 2 weeks..:mrgreen:
forgot to say, got myself a rhino filter coming soon and got an extractor fan of a mate for nothing.lol solid metal one aswell..
and got my next grow planned. and seeds have arrived.

1 delicious caramelo (feminised)
1 sleestack x skunk 1 (regular)
1 kaliman marleys cheese (regular) my favourate
1 nirvana white rhino (regular)
1 delicious northern light blue (feminised)

i hope they all germinate. ps got a de sjamaan purple widow for my outdoor grow aswell.lol
cant wait
hiya bud yea shes going really well actually, yea man you can tell shes a pure indica as soon as you look at her
she started to go into pre flower about 3 weeks ago now so i put her into flower last week with the kandy kush and bagseeds, and theyve all gone real bushy and stretched tere arms right out everywhere they can.

will put some more pics up now.

ps extended my room out with another light and fan.lol
IMG_0007.jpgthis is the bagseed one on left and bigbang on right
IMG_0008.jpgbagseed one
IMG_0009.jpgkandy kush
IMG_0010.jpgtopped bagseed 2
IMG_0013.jpggroup shot from top
IMG_0014.jpgmy mates cheese and trainwreck next door
IMG_0015.jpgmy room from side
IMG_0016.jpgand again
looking good i am very jealous,

im excited for it to get warmer around here so i can get my big bangs going outside this year,

i hope they do well they are supposed to be pretty easy and strong growers from my research

(edit: it will be my first attempt at outdoor growing)
hiya everyone got some real bad news!!
after everything going so well, the bigbang was like 4ft tall and just started to show 20 bud heads without the main cola!!
the kandy kush was looking real good aswell, not as good as the bigbang tho..
then last friday we got raided guys!! cops took everything, fans,lights,53 seedlings of exodus cheese and marleys cheese, even took my brand new un opend bottles of nutrients!!
so bloody gutted its unreal.
anyway thought id let you lot know that this is the end of the indoor journal but good news is ive found a nce little spot where my outdoors is gunna hold 130 strong new babies to make for our loss!!;-)
anywy see you soon guys.....
