1/4 cup of finely ground duff = how many brownies?


So, I've never cooked edibles period before. I just recently got the Vapir VO2 portable vaporizer, and I'm wanting to make special holiday brownies with the duff. I have 1/4 cup of finely ground duff (I don't have a scale so not sure how many grams.). The brownie recipe calls for 1/2 stick of butter. Should I just make 2 epic brownies and make the rest normal or is that enough duff to make each brownie worth it? How high will each brownie get me? Can you explain this high and how long it will take to kick in?

Thanks for the help. :blsmoke: I really appreciate it.

Happy Holidays. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Do you have a Crock Pot ??
I would take it and make 1 cup (1cube)
you will also need 2-3 cups water and your Duff.
Turn on your Crock Pot to Hi.
Put the butter in the Crock Pot add the water.
Wait till the butter is melted and add the Duff.
Leave the Crock Pot on Hi for 2 hours stirring every 15-20 mins.
After the 2 hrs. turn the Crock Pot down to Low and continue stirring every 15-20 mins. for 2 more hours.
After that you'll need to strain the stuff in the Crock Pot thru Cheese cloth into a bowl big enough to hold every thing from the Crock Pot.
I ware knitted gloves with rubber gloves over the top BTW.
Squeeze the cheese cloth till you get everything out as possible.
Take the Bowl and put it in the refidgerator for 4-5 hrs.
Remove the bowl from the Refer. put 2 holes it the butter (see my avatar) drain the nasty gunk out from under the butter, re-fill with cold tap water slosh it around alittle and pour it out, do it again and after the water comes out fairly clean dump it out and take the butter out of the bowl. It's ready to cook with, if your a little short on the butter I just add some veg. oil to it to make up what I need, if you ever get too much just throw it in...
Happy cooking.

Dirt :peace: