1...2...3...GROW!!!!! Confidential Cheese, Purple Platinum, Amsterdam Chronic


Well-Known Member
:leaf::leaf::leaf:Hey guys, havent been on here for a while....Getting ready to start another new grow.... I just picked up 42 babies...20 Confidential Cheese, 15 Purple Platinum's, 5 Amsterdam Chronic, and my personal fav 2 Blue dreams.... My plan is to do a perpetual cycle. I'm rocking a 10x10 with 6 600's and a 4x8 with 2 1000's. Havent set the main room up yet, have to wait til after labor day because my fiance has family coming for the holiday so i have to wait til they leave. You all know how that goes. Ill throw some pics up in a bit. Anyone have any experience with these strains? I've only done blue dream before but from what I hear the am chronic and the con cheese is bomb....lemme know, feel free to follow as we grow :) i would be happy to answer any questions so throw em at me. Im using botinacare nutes along with a couple other things i have found to work awesome. at first its just gonna be a straight setup but eventually id like to add some CO2.. thanks for checkin....back in a bit with pics :) Cheers:leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
Confidential cheese is a great strain. I find that shes a light feeder but Likes a bit higher of a N supply if you ask me. Maybe thats just how my cutting likes to be treated


Well-Known Member

From left to right. 1. basic set up as of right now. I just got these 5 hrs ago. 2. Confidential Cheese (L.A. Confidential X Cheese) last row of 2, Blue dream that has been in dirt for 3 days. 3.Purple Platinum first four rows right to left last row. plus top of fourth row and fifth row Amsterdam Chronic. 4. Same as number 3...... 5. Conf Cheese,. 6. Blue dream, in dirt for 3 days. 7. purp platnium. 8. Amsterdam Chronic (New Strain)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that PNC. I didnt know and im scared to go heavy at all. I need to water them but I dont wanna fuck em up. Havent grown for a year or so. Gotta get back in the swing


im also doing some blue dream and its my first time on it, knowing its mostly sativa did you get a true double in size in flower? im just looking for some insight on my veg time.


Well-Known Member
not a full double but close.....i also veg em for a week or so under the big lights at 18/6 so they really blowup the last week of veg...i top em one last time when i put em under the big lights....i top one week-1.5 weeks before flower. You dont need to veg em that long....im gonna let these go for 5 more weeks maybe...possibly 6...well see what happens...4-6 weeks of veg is what y aneed. If space is an issue flip em around 4 1/2 weeks


Well-Known Member
ok, so i just hit em with my first round of nutes. I did a mix of pure blend pro and liquid karma. 8ml/g of pbp and 4ml/g of liquid karma. ppm was at 550 (pretty low, dont wanna burn em) and ph was at 6.0 eventually ill bump it as high as 6.4 or as low as 5.8. I like to keep it moving, ive found plants respond over time better to a small swing in the ph rather than always having it at 6.2 or whatever have you. more pics to come!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Their all clones, not seeds. I live in cali so its pointless to get seeds when you can just buy clones. the blue dream and platinum purple are cali strains. Blue dream is an absolute staple out here, just google blue dream strain. Its as popular if not more than Sour D, GDP, headband and the other bangers right now. Platinum purp is a cross of GDP and something else thats eluding me at this point. its a hybrid. As for the amsterdam chronic, ive never heard of it either. The guy where i get my clones from threw em at me and said its a brand new strain but its bomb. I need to get some more info from him. Hes pretty legit, thats all he does is clones so i dunno, well wait and see :) and as for the next strain ill be getting in a few weeks....... Girl Scout Cookies :) :) :) Oh and you were totally right about the Conf Cheese, man she only likes a little bit of food. I almost got em the other day....I have to mix a se[erate batch just for them. The purp and am chronic are taking 8-10 ml of pbp and 5 ml of liquid karma allready....the conf cheese is only taking 5 of pure blend pro and 2.5 of the liq


Well-Known Member
sorry its been a while heres an update.....its been a long road so far.
current set up
7 days flower
2-1000w currently running
6 600w (getting my electric set up this week)
total after electric hookup 5600w in a 10x10\
32 ladies
18 confidential cheese
13 platinum purp
3 amsterdam chronic

no i know that they are too close together, however im waiting on my lazy ass electrician so i have em all huddled under the 2 thousands for now
next week they'll be evenly spread and tralaced. under 5600w

also have 8 moms 2 of each strain. 2 blue dreams far right, 2 conf cheese, 2 plat purp and 2 am chronic
sativas on the right of the tent, indicas on the left
last pic is clones for next round....that will be round 2. round 3 after that is gonna be a whole round of blue dream!!!! my personal fav!
lemme know whatcha guys think.



Well-Known Member

  • Sorry, went a little pic crazy
    So heres what I'm running. 18 Confidential cheeses. 3 Amsterdam Chronics. and 13 Platinum Purps.

    These above ones are the purps when i was doing a little maintainence.

    Heres the new set up. The rack is temporary. everything will be wall mounted within the next couple days. The Romex 10-3 will have conduit running along the wall.
    Heres My mothers and Clones. Need to revamp veg space (just behind, working on it
    4 strains 2 of each, left to right on mothers in pic to the right is Amsterdam Chronic, Confidential Cheese, Platinum Purp, and Blue Dream.
    2 thousands in middle, 3 600's on each side
    Cheese is on the left, purps on the right
    Amsterdam chronix
    The best yeilder so far, Confidential Cheese
    Another Purp
    Cold air inlet and light hanging set up.
    Confidential Cheese

    Lemme know whatcha think :)
