1 1/2 Weeks Left Until Harvest - Seeds & Pollen Sacs!

Hey Guys:

1st time grow with a seed I found in a bag. I currently have about a week and a half until harvest. Recently realized that my girl has developed pollen sacs. I only spotted 3 thus far and plucked them out. On top of that, just recently spotted an actual seed on one of the lower buds. Plucked the seed out also. This is the only plant I am currently working with. Any thoughts or suggestions? Go for it, or, scrap it?



Well-Known Member
Keep an eye on it. It's very common, especially with bagseed, but I just had it happen with a Mass Medical seed I paid $20 for....only mine had a gazillion little teeny seeds before I noticed it on a few branches...Which reminds me that bitch is out in my garage, dry now I'm sure!

It's not going to have enough time left to develop lots of seeds, if it hasn't already, so just keep a close eye on her and keep removing any pollen flowers. Even if there are some seeds it will still be good!


Well-Known Member
With 1.5 weeks left to harvest, and plucking out nanners, you can harvest it now, or wait..

If it's just a few so far, let it go - a week and a half isn't that long to wait and that's not enough time for seeds to develop.

Good Luck!